
SiteBar / News: Recent posts

SiteBar Client for Firefox 3 Ready

At the moment the extension is only available from the temporary location and will require re-installation once it is moved to Mozilla Addons. Download link:

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2008-06-30

SiteBar 3.3.8 using AJAX released!

SiteBar is an online bookmark manager intended to be used as a general bookmark server with versatile browser and import/export support. Keep your bookmarks on your server and access them from anywhere!

Release 3.3.8 is a major technical update since 3.3.5. With 3.3.7 SiteBar features AJAX based loading of bookmarks and simplified menus. Release 3.3.8 has polished this functionality to production quality code.... read more

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2006-04-01

SiteBar 3.3.5 released!

SiteBar is an online bookmark manager intended to be used as a general bookmark server with versatile browser and import/export support. Keep your bookmarks on your server and access them from anywhere!

SiteBar can now serve (using an XBELSync plugin) as a backend for Bookmarks Synchronizer - a favorite Firefox bookmarks extension .

SiteBar can now use both LDAP and IMAP for user authentication.... read more

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2005-10-06

SiteBar 3.3.3 Binary Favicon Support + Bugfixes

This release adds support for binary favicons as stored by Firefox in its bookmark file.

Multiple bugs have been fixed, some of them could lead in SiteBar 3.3.x to bookmark inaccessibility and the upgrade is therefore highly recommended.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2005-06-04

SiteBar 3.3.2 Bugfix Release

After 3.3.1 bug fix release that brought some new features on top of major 3.3 release, this release fixes only two really minor bugs. Please check history [] and download [] latest release especially if you are using Opera browser.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2005-05-21

SiteBar 3.3 Released!

SiteBar bookmark server has been partially redesigned and turned into a feed producer - this brought import/export of bookmarks in many formats. Very shortly: link news, directory browsing, support for huge link collections, better admin functions, backend search, improved online help and much more ...

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2005-04-19

SiteBar 3.3 Release Candidate 1

SiteBar can now generate bookmarks in RSS, Atom, XBEL any many other formats. New formats can be added easily and import of XML based formats is natively supported. Many other users' wishes have been incorporated.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2005-02-27

SiteBar 3.2.6 Hotfix Release

This release solves solely bug #997871. This is a serious bug applicable to all SiteBar 3.x versions and can be seen only on installations with more then 255 users.

Check for more information.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2004-08-02

SiteBar 3.2.5 Released!

SiteBar is a bookmark server intended for both personal and team to enterprise use. It integrates to most browsers used today (with optional plugin/extension support for Mozilla Firefox, MS IE and MyIE2), and offers maximum number of features on the smallest possible place. It can serve as backend for other bookmark frontends (PHP Layers Menu, WebLinks).

The 3.2.5 release delivers a couple of missing major features in release 3.2: link validation and favicon harvesting. With those features is SiteBar finally feature complete.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2004-06-20

SiteBar 3.2 Released!

SiteBar is a bookmark server intended for both personal and team to enterprise use. It integrates to most browsers used today (with optional plugin/extension support for Mozilla Firefox, MS IE and MyIE2), and offers maximum number of features on the smallest possible place. It can serve as backend for other bookmark frontends (PHP Layers Menu, WebLinks).

The 3.2 release adds long awaited features: sorting (many aspects including hit counting), technical delicacy - favicon cache and much more. For more details see the release notes and change log.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2004-05-15

SiteBar 3.2 Release Candidate 2

This is hopefully the final release candidate for 3.2. If you are longing to sort your trees and links as you want, to know how often your links get clicked or when you visited them last time and if you want to see more favicons with shorter download time, then you are welcome to test it.

Please remember that some new features require outbound connection. Outbound connection might not be installed on all hosting servers. So if you experience blank screens like with missing conversion engine in past, try to disable outbound connection in SiteBar settings.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2004-04-27

SiteBar 3.1.2 Import/Export Bugfix Release

Highly recommended update for 3.1.1 users and 3.1.x users using "Personal Mode". Other users should read release notes and change log to consider whether update is worth doing.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2004-03-14

SiteBar 3.1.1 Not only Bugfix Release

This is a bugfix release with some new features and improved/added translations. Upgrade is not necessary (no security bug), however recommended (due to the severity of some bugs).

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2004-03-06

SiteBar 3.1 Released!

This release brings internationalization to the SiteBar. Using PHP Layers Menu as the front-end, you can now embed the links stored in SiteBar back-end anywhere on your page in any form you might like.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2004-02-22

SiteBar 3.0.2 Security Release

The most important change in this release is refactored security mechanism. It solves problems with shared folders and anyone using folder sharing is strongly recommended to upgrade. Some tuning for Mac platform was added and experimental integration with WebLinks is implemented. Please see file release notes and change log for more information.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2003-11-27

SiteBar 3.0.1 Bugfix Release

This is a bugfix release for bookmark server SiteBar 3.0. Please read release notes for information whether you should upgrade or not.

Updated in November 4: There was a mistake in install.sql script affecting fresh installations. The mistake has been fixed in the 3.0.1 distribution package.

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2003-11-03

SiteBar 3.0 Released!

SiteBar is a bookmark server intended for both personal and team to enterprise use. It integrates to most browsers used today and offers maximum number of features on the smallest possible place.

SiteBar is a solution for individuals working on multiple computers or using multiple browsers, for user groups that want to share bookmarks and for publishers that want to publish a lot of links on a small place. The SiteBar project team believes that the "sidebar" approach is unique among all other bookmark management systems.... read more

Posted by Ondrej Brablc 2003-10-27

SiteBar 3.0 Release Candidate 1

SiteBar is the premiere bookmarking system featuring muti-user and multi-group access suitable for the largest corporations or the single end user.

With granular permissions, full import and export features, and an easy to use skinnable interface, SiteBar provides you with a complete bookmarking solution for your own collection or an Enterprise-wide intranet.

SiteBar v3.0 has been completely rewritten! Blazingly fast database access, a skinnable interface, less reliance on Javascript, and better integration with all browsers puts SiteBar 3.0 far beyond the competition!... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-09-28

SiteBar 3.0pre1 ready for testing!

SiteBar is the premiere bookmarking system featuring muti-user and multi-group access suitable for the largest corporations or the single end user.

With granular permissions, full import and export features, and an easy to use skinnable interface, SiteBar provides you with a complete bookmarking solution for your own collection or an Enterprise-wide intranet.

SiteBar v3.0 has been completely rewritten! Blazingly fast database access, a skinnable interface, less reliance on Javascript, and better integration with all browsers puts SiteBar 3.0 far beyond the competition!... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-08-27

SiteBar 2.5 Released!

Features... features... features!

Type-'n-Search all your bookmarks! Just start to type in SiteBar and all matching bookmarks and folders will be highlighted for you, with the appropriate tree folders opened!

New import support for Opera, directly into SiteBar! And that's in addition to Netscape, IE6, and Mozilla compatible bookmark.html files, as well as individual Microsoft Internet Shortcuts (.url)!! ... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-07-20

SiteBar 2.4 Released!

We've done it once again...

Import all your bookmarks from all your browsers directly into SiteBar! You can now upload your Netscape, IE6, and Mozilla compatible bookmark.html files, as well as individual Microsoft Internet Shortcuts (.url)!! You can import into any existing category too!

Don't forget the Bookmarklet feature! Just bookmark the Bookmarklet link from SiteBar's main page, and click on it any time you find a page you want to save, even if you haven't logged in to your SiteBar!... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-06-15

SiteBar 2.3 Released!

And now, what you've all been waiting for... Even more features!

Import all your bookmarks from all your browsers! Thanks to bk_edit's new SiteBar export plugin, you can combine all your bookmark files and import them directly into SiteBar! Get it at today!
(Thanks, Clemens!)

And, add links even easier with the new Bookmarklet feature! Just bookmark the Bookmarklet link from SiteBar's main page, and click on it any time you find a page you want to save.... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-06-01

SiteBar Import/Export sub-projects

SiteBar is now complete beyond the functionality of any of it's competition, bar one thing:

The ability to import and export browser bookmark files.

This is a call for competent parsing types to join the SiteBar Import / Export Filters sub-projects! (Patrik, this means you!) The goal will be a PHP version of the amazingly thorough bk_edit project (a stand-alone bookmark file converter written in C, with plugins).... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-05-26

SiteBar 2.2 Released!

Wow! With full favicon.ico support, cross-browser- context-sensitive context menus (right-click), and a dead-link checker, SiteBar is truly *the* most powerful bookmark manager out there!

If you haven't discovered SiteBar yet, give it a try at and feel free to create your own account so you can get your favourite links and bookmarks from *anywhere*.

SiteBar is *the* tool for people on the move who need to get their reference sites no matter where they are. Set a SiteBar site up for yourself today!

Posted by Anonymous 2003-05-24

SiteBar 2.1 Released!

Not at your own browser? Bookmarks on a PC at home? SiteBar is a multi-user bookmark database that lets you view, add, and maintain your links from anywhere.

Great new features in v2.1!

-- SiteBar now shows private categories and items with a "locked" icon.
-- A cross-browser context menu lets you right-click a link to add/edit an item or category.
-- Email a link's URL, or email the actual page as a PDF file!
-- Everything can now be sorted alphabetically, and links can be put before folders (configurable)
-- "Box" menus at bottom can be turned on or off... read more

Posted by Anonymous 2003-05-19