
SiteBar 2.3 Released!

And now, what you've all been waiting for... Even more features!

Import all your bookmarks from all your browsers! Thanks to bk_edit's new SiteBar export plugin, you can combine all your bookmark files and import them directly into SiteBar! Get it at today!
(Thanks, Clemens!)

And, add links even easier with the new Bookmarklet feature! Just bookmark the Bookmarklet link from SiteBar's main page, and click on it any time you find a page you want to save.

If you haven't installed SiteBar yet, or if you're upgrading an old version, the new setup page does all the work for you! You won't find an easier install in any other bookmark server.

Plus, better user handling, interface clean-ups, more administrative control, and you can even get around picky ISP's with table prefixes.

If you haven't discovered SiteBar yet, give it a try at and feel free to create your own account so you can get your favourite links and bookmarks from *anywhere*.

SiteBar is *the* tool for people on the move who need to get their reference sites no matter where they are. Set a SiteBar site up for yourself today!

Posted by Anonymous 2003-06-01

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