
#50 wierd results using group tests

v1.0 (example)

I use 4 consecutive group tests, all of them created at
runtime (to which files are added with addTestFile) and
there seems to be two problems:

1) the current count for "test cases complete" is
wrong. For every test group that is run, it shows the
number of complete tests, then the number of total
tests in the group (supposably), separated with a
slash. But! The number of "total tests in the group"
remains the same for all tests -- it is equal to the
number of tests in the FIRST group, not CURRENT group.
So these numbers look like:

2/2 test cases complete: 5 passes, 0 fails and 0
8/2 test cases complete: 48 passes, 0 fails and 0
10/2 test cases complete: 115 passes, 1 fails and 0
11/2 test cases complete: 117 passes, 1 fails and 0

2) error doesn't get cleared between completely
separate groups. If an error occurs in a group, every
group that comes after it, even though completely
separated (not grouped in a higher group), reports a
failure. In my example (see above), I only have 1 (one)
error in 3rd group, but 4th group also ends up "red"
and reports a failure. This is, I believe, not the
correct behaviour.


  • fatG

    fatG - 2005-07-07

    screenshot of the uttermost critical situation

  • Marcus Baker

    Marcus Baker - 2005-07-10

    Logged In: YES


    The miscounting is a known issue and I am deferring the fix
    to a later version of SimpleTest. It works if you use
    addTestCase() to add group tests, rather the the automatic
    addTestFile(). If the problem really is urgent/vital I can
    attempt to fix it, but I am hoping that an internal
    restructuring will clear down this bug anyway.

    The second issue I am tackling now. How come you have
    multiple red and green bars on one screen shot? You should
    get just one. Can you mail me the runner code you are using
    (the top level test script). This is very strange behaviour.
    That is, it has already gone terribly wrong long before the
    problem you describe is an issue.

    yours, Marcus

  • fatG

    fatG - 2005-07-11
  • fatG

    fatG - 2005-07-11

    Logged In: YES


    I think maybe it's not really a bug, it was (possibly) a
    misuse of the group tests. The reason why I'm getting four
    results is because I set up four consecutive groups and run
    them separately. Each group takes a reporter as a parameter
    and displays its results. The issue occurs if I use the same
    instance of the HtmlReporter for all four group tests. It
    appears that for each run, the reporter doesn't clear
    previous results. This could just as well be wanted
    behaviour. If I create a new instance of the reporter, it
    seems to work fine.

    I've attached the isolated "bug case". Inside the main file
    there is a comment that shows how to switch between same/new
    instance of the reporter.

  • Marcus Baker

    Marcus Baker - 2005-07-23

    Logged In: YES


    Regarding the group test counts being wrong, Ithink this is
    now fixed in CVS. It was caused by group tests being lazily

    yours, Marcus

  • Marcus Baker

    Marcus Baker - 2005-07-23
    • status: open --> closed-fixed

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