
m4p - do I have to convert it to mp3?

  • Sonja Tomaskovic


    I have been using the shuffle db builder for quite some time now - however, on my own mp3s that I converted from old CDs.

    Now I purchased a song from iTunes for the first time and ran into a problem. It's a m4p file, one that is DRM protected as I found out. I had the impression that there is nothing I have to do besides loading it onto my iPod and clicking on

    But since the song is not played I assume that I either have to put it into the iTunes folders (or load it with iTunes and let it take control of my iPod), or remove the DRM and convert it to mp3 (with hymn or something). Is that correct?
    What about AAC files? I thought they were working without any prior conversion.

    Would it be enough to simply add m4p as supported file extension to the file?


    • Sonja Tomaskovic

      I just checked with one more m4p bought at iTunes. Again, my iPod didn't play that song.

      This may only be a problem with my iPod. I checked the script, and it clearly supports m4* files.

      Anyway, only after I converted to mp3 did it work on my side.

    • SudoCode

      SudoCode - 2006-11-09

      There are other formats that match that extension pattern (m4a, m4b, and m4u, I think) which are encoded with the same basic audio characteristics, but these are lack the DRM protection.   Maybe it's really these that supported by the script, but maybe not m4p?

      If you try to play an m4p file (from any storage media--iPod, fixed hard drive, data CD) with an application that doesn't handle the DRM authorization, it won't work. 

      iTunes gets around this (I think) by implicitly converting m4p files on the fly when transferring them to your iPod device.  I could be wrong.  I'm no iTunes or DRM expert.

    • Campervan

      Campervan - 2007-02-19

      I can play M4B files fine, they are not DRM, on my 1g shuffle, but i can't rewind or fast forward.


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