
7-Zip 9.25 alpha

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  • Enod Barker

    Enod Barker - 2012-04-22

    I found a error: 7Zip cannot extract files from this ZIP archive: Others archievers extract them correctly.

    No, not all of them. There is something wrong with that  ZIP file ("").

    Errors returned by various archive software either testing or trying to extract the contents of that ZIP (two CSV files):

    7-Zip 9.25 alpha:

    "Unsupported compression method for doc_lines.csv" & "Unsupported compression method for doc_orders.csv"

    WinZip 12.1:

    "Warning: skipping "doc_orders.csv". The general purpose flags stored in the local header for this file are not the same as the general purpose flags stored in the central header" &
    "Warning: skipping "doc_lines.csv". The general purpose flags stored in the local header for this file are not the same as the general purpose flags stored in the central header"

    Pocket UnZip 2.0 (Info-ZIP):

    file #1 (doc_orders.csv):
             mismatch between local and central GPF bit 11 ("UTF-8"),
             continuing with central flag (IsUTF8 = 0)
        testing: doc_orders.csv OK
    file #2 (doc_lines.csv):
             mismatch between local and central GPF bit 11 ("UTF-8"),
             continuing with central flag (IsUTF8 = 0)
        testing: doc_lines.csv OK

    But unlike the above two programs, Pocket Unzip can extract those two files and they are readable afterwards.

    WiZ 5.03 (Info-ZIP) & WinRAR 4.11 can extract and test those files without errors.

    So you might want to try zipping those files again and/or using a program that doesn't create the oddities that are currently in that ZIP file. I never have a problem with 7-Zip and properly zipped files.

  • andrewks

    andrewks - 2012-04-22

    enod, in addition,  these apps
    - Windows "ZIP Folders"
    - ZIP plugins in FreeCommander, TotalCommander, DoubleCommander
    - IZArc
    extract this ZIP correctly without any warnings

  • andrewks

    andrewks - 2012-04-22

    and, in any case, "Unsupported compression method"  != "inconsistency of flags"

  • andrewks

    andrewks - 2012-04-22

    I think, this situation must be handled successfully with or without warning(s)

  • Enod Barker

    Enod Barker - 2012-04-23

    Agreed. If Info-ZIP's ancient programs (pretty much the accepted open-source ZIP standard), among others, can extract files out of such archives without problems, 7-Zip should do so as well.

    For further info with more details that may help, here is the complete detailed WinZip 12.1 test output for that archive (UNZIP.EXE 6.00 doesn't show the file as having errors when using its "zipinfo" flag):

    Testing ...
    Current Location part 1 offset 647
    Archive: G:\   669 bytes   2012-04-22 02:44:26
    End central directory record PK0506 (4+18)
        current  location of end-of-central-dir record: 647 (0x00000287) bytes
        expected location of end-of-central-dir record: 647 (0x00000287) bytes
          based on the size of the central directory of
          119 and its relative offset of 528 bytes
        part number of this part (0000):                1
        part number of start of central dir (0000):     1
        number of entries in central dir in this part:  2
        total number of entries in central dir:         2
        size of central dir:                            119 (0x00000077) bytes
        relative offset of central dir:                 528 (0x00000210) bytes
        zipfile comment length:                         0
    Current Location part 1 offset 528
    Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #1
        part number in which file begins (0000):        1
        relative offset of local header:                0 (0x00000000) bytes
        version made by operating system (00):          MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
        version made by zip software (20):              2.0
        operat. system version needed to extract (00):  MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
        unzip software version needed to extract (20):  2.0
        general purpose bit flag (0x0008) (bit 15..0):  0000.0000 0000.1000
          file security status  (bit 0):                not encrypted
          extended local header (bit 3):                yes
        compression method (08):                        deflated
          compression sub-type (deflation):             normal
        file last modified on (0x00003f6a 0x00008bc9):  2011-11-10 17:30:18
        32-bit CRC value:                               0x0417124d
        compressed size:                                239 bytes
        uncompressed size:                              419 bytes
        length of filename:                             14 characters
        length of extra field:                          0 bytes
        length of file comment:                         0 characters
        internal file attributes:                       0x0000
          apparent file type:                           binary
        external file attributes:                       0x00000000
          non-MSDOS external file attributes:           0x000000
          MS-DOS file attributes (0x00):                none
    Current Location part 1 offset 574
    Current Location part 1 offset 588
    Central directory entry PK0102 (4+42): #2
        part number in which file begins (0000):        1
        relative offset of local header:                299 (0x0000012b) bytes
        version made by operating system (00):          MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
        version made by zip software (20):              2.0
        operat. system version needed to extract (00):  MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
        unzip software version needed to extract (20):  2.0
        general purpose bit flag (0x0008) (bit 15..0):  0000.0000 0000.1000
          file security status  (bit 0):                not encrypted
          extended local header (bit 3):                yes
        compression method (08):                        deflated
          compression sub-type (deflation):             normal
        file last modified on (0x00003f6a 0x00008bc9):  2011-11-10 17:30:18
        32-bit CRC value:                               0x8aaa83e2
        compressed size:                                170 bytes
        uncompressed size:                              653 bytes
        length of filename:                             13 characters
        length of extra field:                          0 bytes
        length of file comment:                         0 characters
        internal file attributes:                       0x0000
          apparent file type:                           binary
        external file attributes:                       0x00000000
          non-MSDOS external file attributes:           0x000000
          MS-DOS file attributes (0x00):                none
    Current Location part 1 offset 634
    Current Location part 1 offset 0
    Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #1
        operat. system version needed to extract (00):  MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
        unzip software version needed to extract (20):  2.0
        general purpose bit flag (0x0808) (bit 15..0):  0000.1000 0000.1000
          file security status  (bit 0):                not encrypted
          extended local header (bit 3):                yes
        compression method (08):                        deflated
          compression sub-type (deflation):             normal
        file last modified on (0x00003f6a 0x00008bc9):  2011-11-10 17:30:18
        32-bit CRC value:                               0x00000000
        compressed size:                                0 bytes
        uncompressed size:                              0 bytes
      note: "real" crc and sizes are in the extended local header
        length of filename:                             14 characters
        length of extra field:                          0 bytes
      caution: value of lrec.crc32 (32-bit CRC value) changed from 0 to 68620877
      caution: value of lrec.csize (compressed size) changed from 0 to 239
      caution: value of lrec.ucsize (uncompressed size) changed from 0 to 419
    Current Location part 1 offset 30
    Current Location part 1 offset 44
    Warning: skipping "doc_orders.csv". The general purpose flags stored in the local header for this file are not the same as the general purpose flags stored in the central header
    Current Location part 1 offset 299
    Local directory entry PK0304 (4+26): #2
        operat. system version needed to extract (00):  MS-DOS, OS/2, NT FAT
        unzip software version needed to extract (20):  2.0
        general purpose bit flag (0x0808) (bit 15..0):  0000.1000 0000.1000
          file security status  (bit 0):                not encrypted
          extended local header (bit 3):                yes
        compression method (08):                        deflated
          compression sub-type (deflation):             normal
        file last modified on (0x00003f6a 0x00008bc9):  2011-11-10 17:30:18
        32-bit CRC value:                               0x00000000
        compressed size:                                0 bytes
        uncompressed size:                              0 bytes
      note: "real" crc and sizes are in the extended local header
        length of filename:                             13 characters
        length of extra field:                          0 bytes
      caution: value of lrec.crc32 (32-bit CRC value) changed from 0 to -1968536606
      caution: value of lrec.csize (compressed size) changed from 0 to 170
      caution: value of lrec.ucsize (uncompressed size) changed from 0 to 653
    Current Location part 1 offset 329
    Current Location part 1 offset 342
    Warning: skipping "doc_lines.csv". The general purpose flags stored in the local header for this file are not the same as the general purpose flags stored in the central header
    At least one error was detected in G:\
  • sascha

    sascha - 2012-05-12

    Reply to comments recieved. if nobody wants a publishers certificate for 7zip, at least as a bare minimum clearly display the checksums of the software . so people can compare it to what they have. Currently as well as provide freeware for checksums or hashes. without publishers certificate the only alternative is checksums. for example creates hashes during install to detect mods of any kind . I hope ALL opensource projects accomodate basic level of hash values above sha-256 and higher. Without hashes we cannot function as freeware, unless you code sign your software with certified . Please keep up the good work hope the open source community uses hashes from now on or at least provide these sums on their websites to compare with. all the the best , love 7zip freeware.

  • mronen

    mronen - 2012-05-13

    I'm using 7-Zip (9.20 release) on Windows 7 64 bit, the context menu was disabled.
    I tried to re-install many of the versions.
    New 9.25 Alpha has the solution for this issue, now context menu is enabled.
    - mronen

  • Nirlay

    Nirlay - 2012-05-30

    1. I am using 7z and there is a duplicate file names in list, resulting in 7za program error-exiting. This problem is caused as somehow there were 2 files which had only the extension part different in case (lower case and upper case). This is really not allowed in Windows environment as in NTFS the file names are case insensitive.  The files in question are :

    x.PDF and x.pdf

    2. Also we are getting  "Incorrect Item in listfile", which special char can cause this ?

    How do we resolve this ?

  • sascha

    sascha - 2012-07-21

    Would like to see serpent encryption being fully integrated into 7 zip, and maybe checksums displayed when downloading the 7 zip software. Apart from that just at least display checksums because opensource isnt protected by digital certificates. All the best , by the way 7 zip licence runs out on sept 11 this year and cannot be renewed after this time.

  • sascha

    sascha - 2013-01-07

    What version of NET Framework do I need to remain compatible with the latest version of 7 zip and will , 7 zip have dependency for the Framework at the programming level ?

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2013-01-14

    "An event was unable to invoke any of the subscribers."

    This error message only occurs when the user is trying to make changes without administrator access in Windows 7 and Windows 8 while changing settings in the options menu.

    To solve this issue simply right click on the shortcut and run 7-zip as administrator before trying to make changes in the settings menu.

  • Guy Stone

    Guy Stone - 2013-07-03

    I recently found an xz file to unpack. I'm an Ubuntu user, and tried to open that file with latest Ubuntu version 9.20. No go. I downloaded the Windows 9.22 to run under WINE, and it was OK. I went for the sources for 9.22 to compile under Linux, and my result (after minor Makefile fix) doesn't handle xz files. I can't find a makefile.gcc to build a version that includes the xz modules. Is there a later version of source that I could build with?

    Thanks for all your work over the years.

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