
#72 Passing config files to SEB from command line?

v1.0 (example)

Is there any way of passing a local SebClientSettings file to SafeExamBrowser.exe when calling it from command line? Searching the interwebs if found the "sebs://" command line option, but have not managed to have it open local files.

(The scenario is that we want to run SEB without installing it on student computers, which means that .seb files won't be recognized by default. Otherwise that would have been really smooth.)


  • Damian Büchel

    Damian Büchel - 2020-02-24

    Yes, there is: You can simply pass the full path to a file (or a seb(s) link) on the command line. But SEB does not offer a standalone scenario, i.e. you must install it in order to work correctly.

    SafeExamBrowser.exe C:\Path\To\Your\File.seb
  • Itangalo

    Itangalo - 2020-02-24

    Sweet! Thanks!

    Is there, perhaps, a way to do this using relative paths? Like so:
    SafeExamBrowser.exe File.seb
    SafeExamBrowser.exe .\File.seb

    Concerning standalone – I took some directions from the release notes for SEB 1.8 (Windows) and have managed to get some things running without installation (but with a warning on startup).

  • Damian Büchel

    Damian Büchel - 2020-02-24

    That should work, yes. Though I do not know whether the path would need to be relative to the current directory of the command line or the SEB location...

  • Itangalo

    Itangalo - 2020-02-24

    Awesome. I just managed to call the config files I wanted. For anyone else interested:

    SafeExamBrowser.exe "%cd%\configs\MyConfig.seb"

    This assumes config file is put in a subdirectory "configs", relative to the folder where SafeExamBrowser.exe exists.

    Many thanks. SEB++