
VDI - permitted process in SEB for macOS - Roadmap

  • AB

    AB - 2019-02-27


    We progress day by day in deployment to VDI solution with SEB.

    Did you have a roadmap to implement permitted process in SEB for macOS.

    Actualy we only use Horizon HTML Access to connect to VDI (but it's very slow at this point), we obtain better result to use VMware client Horizon but it's impossible to lunch this in SEB in macOS

    Thank you

  • Daniel Schneider

    Unfortunately I don't know if it ever will be possible to use permitted processes with SEB for macOS on BYOD Macs. The operating system architecture and application encapsulation model is different on macOS than Windows, there are less possibilities to control the operating system from a macOS applications than in Windows. In addition, Apple is closing down such possibilities further in new macOS releases. The macOS kiosk mode used by SEB is only active as long as SEB is in the foreground, as soon as switching to another application, the kiosk mode is deactivated.

    There might be a slight chance to secure a specific application/process like the VMware Horizon client on Mac, but that's currently just a hope. If this would not work, then only VMware or Apple could allow a better VDI integration in SEB for macOS. VMware if they provide an SDK to integrate a Horizon View client into another macOS application or if they integrate a kiosk mode into the Horizon Client themselves. Apple could theoretically provide a built-in kiosk mode in macOS which would need to allow to run several applications in a secure kiosk mode on BYOD devices. But this is not very likely at the moment.

    VMware once provided an open source client to connect to VDI servers (using another, less modern protocol). If they ever decide to make the Horizon View Client or protocol open source, this would help us to achieve this goal.

    Did you try if Horizon HTML Access works faster with a current version of Safari?

  • Daniel Schneider

    Btw., I will only have time to look into the feasibility of supporting permitted processes in a limited way or at least the VMware Horizon Client together with SEB for macOS after releasing the SEB 2.2 (supporting Additional Resources) and then the 3.0 version (using WebKit 2/WKWebView). This would be towards end of this year.

  • AB

    AB - 2019-02-27

    Thank you for your reply.

    The slowness problems are on Windows as well as on macOS with Horizon HTML Access. But it's slower on macOS High Sierra (current version of Safari 12.03)

    It is possible that this comes from our infrastructure (Vsphere 5 and Horizon 6). I must also investigate if this comes from the display protocol used (RDS vs pcoip).

    We still have a lot of work to find the best solution.


    Last edit: AB 2019-02-27
  • AB

    AB - 2019-02-27

    Thank you for your reply.

    The slowness problems are on Windows as well as on macOS with Horizon HTML Access. But it's slower on macOS.

    It is possible that this comes from our infrastructure (Vsphere 5 and Horizon 6). I must also investigate if this comes from the display protocol used (RDS vs pcoip).

    We still have a lot of work to find the best solution.