SC is a C based/compatible language that uses a binary source code format and a "special" editor to provide a far more advanced programming and meta-programming environment. The basic philosophy is to "simplify" the "form" and not the "meaning" of C.
SC allows you to write source code that can analyze and modify itself. Which in turn allows you to create far more compact and powerful libraries, templates, toolkits and simply source code, using techniques similar to aspect and/or language oriented programming.
SCEdit is an editor that comprehends the source code on a level similar to the compiler, giving you feedback about anything that can be concluded from the source code. It can also interpret meta-functions from the source code to either analyze, modify or create new code, allowing you to automate a complex workflow for and from your source code.
Furthermore SC can be both compiled, interpreted, and just in time compiled.
SC is a C based meta/programming language/environment
Status: Pre-Alpha
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