
#1182 Folder when opening a file


When I click on "File/Open", the open-dialogue window is set to a directory which is one where I never, ever want to open a file (I'm using the Windows version of Scite and, for whatever reason, Scite decides to open the directory named Bibliotheken\Dokumente for me. It would be convenient to have a way to somehow tell Scite which directory to show on "File/Open".

I could imagine several solutions for this:

  1. It could be a Scite property
  2. At least on Windows, Scite could simply use the working directory (i.e. the one which I specify in the properties of the Windows shortcut)
  3. There could be an environment variable with which I can override the default
  4. It could be a command line parameter to Scite

No matter how this would be implemented - it would always be better than the current behaviour!


  • Thorsten Kani

    Thorsten Kani - 2017-04-04

    Hi Roland, was curious an read through the docs - "" seems to help with your idea.

  • Neil Hodgson

    Neil Hodgson - 2017-04-04

    Windows preserves the File Open directory both within one run of SciTE and between runs. If you use "Open File" to open a file in SciTE, then shut down and restart SciTE, File Open will show the same directory as before.


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