
Syntax Coloring?

  • telepathetic

    telepathetic - 2006-12-04

    I'm able to adjust most of the syntax highlighting, except for the procedure names and their parameters.  After I save a file those elements get special coloring (dark blue underline for the procedure name, and blue italics for the parameters).  But I'm unable to find the place to edit this anywhere in the preferences.  Is it possible?

    Really need to change this since looks horrible against my dark grey background.

    Otherwise awesome plugin!!  I'm using it to code my GIMP scriptfu! :)

    • Dominique Boucher


      This feature is somewhat experimental and shouldn't have made it to the latest release. Sorry!

      To disable it, start the embedded kawa interpreter and evaluate the following expression:

      (remove-save-hook 'check-buffer-syntax)



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