
#25 Support for importing RSS feeds via OPML


Would it be possible to add support for importing RSS feeds via an OPML file? This way large numbers of feeds could be imported easily from other sources such as Google Reader.


  • Alex Alishevskikh

    • labels: 1019974 -->
    • milestone: 844070 -->
  • Alex Alishevskikh

    ***Moved to Feature requests***

    I think, it's possible but there is a kind of architectural question to solve.

    SCAN architecture is based on a concept of a "location" that is a base URI of a data source where the atomic children items (aka "documents") are retrieved from. E.g. for a file system, a location is a single folder and the children are files within it (maybe recursively). In the case of the SyndFeed plugin, a location is a feed URL and the children data items are the web-pages the feed is linked to.

    In the case of OPML, there is another level of hierarachy - a collection of feeds (that is, multiple locations). How this collection should be treated - aggregated into a single location containing items of all feeds, or add multiple locations (one for each feed) at once. I currently have no idea.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2009-11-05

    Hmm. Originally I had just thought that each entry could be treated as if it had been imported alone, however, having a "group" of feeds that you could work with together would be really useful! That way if you have ~500 feeds in an OPML file, they could all be updated with a single action. Perhaps you could allow the user to decide during import whether they should remain together as a single "group" or "meta" feed, or whether they should be added individually?

  • Alex Alishevskikh

    • labels: --> Location plugins
    • milestone: --> 3 - Next major version
    • status: open --> open-accepted

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