
Tags again

Paul Drury
  • Paul Drury

    Paul Drury - 2010-08-23


    Thank you for all the feedback to my other questions. This really is a very interesting program. I have a question about tags again. It is this:

    After selecting a document, when the edit tags option is taken, and a range of tags used is increased using the slider bar at the bottom of the programme window, does this mean that the new tags that are suggested, are being based on the document itself or are the tags suggested based on other documents which may have some similarity to it?

    I ask this because adding extra tags to the documents that I put in to  the Scan  program I am suggested with a lot of different possibilities but I'm not sure whether the list of possibilities that I could include include tags that are based on the invividual document. I would not want to add tags to it that were suggested to me from other sources. For example, if I was editing tags to do with a document regarding the sport of football, I would only want to add tags that pertain specifically to that document and not other documents which may have been written about football or to sport more generally.

    Thank you for this software programme. And thank you for your consideration.


  • Alex Alishevskikh

    Try to set "Tag specifity" parameter in the Autotagging tab of the Configuration dialog ("Tools->Configure") to maximum.

    With maximum specifity, the suggestions list should contain only the terms specific to the given document content and its semantic context (a cluster of the similar documents) should be ignored.

    See also:

    User Manual, ch4.6.1 "Global autotagging preferences", p21

    FAQ entry:


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