
#481 libsbml installation in R via R-GUI



I download libSBML zip file and I tried to install this package in R via R GUI but I got an error:
"package or namespace load failed for ‘libSBML’:
package ‘libSBML’ was installed before R 4.0.0: please re-install it"
I deleted libSBML file from the document and reinstall that packge but I got same error. Can you help me?



  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2020-10-28

    If you tell me what operating system you use and whether 32 or 64 bit R interpreter, i can create some bindings for you. Sorry, we have not gotten around to making a new release for the newer R versions.

  • Elif Emanetci

    Elif Emanetci - 2020-10-28

    64 bit. I have just seen that libSBML was created for R 3.3.3 or older versions. I am using 4.0.
    thank you.

  • Frank Bergmann

    Frank Bergmann - 2020-10-28

    Here a version of libSBML for R 4.0.2 (win x64):

    • Elif Emanetci

      Elif Emanetci - 2020-11-04

      hello again,
      I have updated my R version from 4.0.2 to 4.0.3 and the zip file you sent me last week did not work properly. Do you have R4.0.3 version of LibSBML? And can I have it?

      • Frank Bergmann

        Frank Bergmann - 2020-11-04

        can you please provide an error message, as to what went wrong?

        • Elif Emanetci

          Elif Emanetci - 2020-11-04

          installing zip file is okey but when I try to read xml file (which was readed properly in my previous R version) this message occurs:

          Warning messages:
          1: In readSBMLmod("iBrain_210420.xml", bndCond = FALSE) :
          Missing FBC-plugin for libSBML. FBC constraints will be ignored.
          2: In readSBMLmod("iBrain_210420.xml", bndCond = FALSE) :
          Missing Groups-plugin for libSBML. Groups will be ignored.

          It affects my analysis because file is not readed properly.

          thank you.

          • Frank Bergmann

            Frank Bergmann - 2020-11-04

            I think we have to first find out, what is going on here. As the binaries ive created do support the SBML Level 3 FBC and Groups Extensions. Is there a way i can reproduce what happened on your machine locally?

            if i just recompiled, i don't expect any changes for R 4.0.2 and 4.0.3, that would explain what is going on here.

            • Elif Emanetci

              Elif Emanetci - 2020-11-04

              you can run this code in R4.0.3, it creates same warning message:

              dir <- system.file(package = "sybilSBML", "extdata")
              file <- file.path(dir, "ecoli_core_model.xml")
              mod <- readSBMLmod(file, bndCond = FALSE)

              also, there is no function in help page of the libSBML package in R4.0.3.

              • Frank Bergmann

                Frank Bergmann - 2020-11-04

                That would explain it. Here is what is happening. The sybilSBML package, does not use the libSBML R bindings at all. Instead it includes a precompiled libSBML (version 5.8.0 on windows) and exposes a subset of the functions there. So there is not much we can help you out there, and you would have to contact them to figure out how to get a newer libSBML version that works with sybil.

                • Elif Emanetci

                  Elif Emanetci - 2020-11-05

                  Thank you for your help and interest.

  • Elif Emanetci

    Elif Emanetci - 2020-10-28

    thank you very much.


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