
Sarissa / News: Recent posts


It has only been a couple of days since but you can never get enough. Changes for

* Fixed a variable scope in Sarissa.updateContentFromURI thanks to Lawrence Michel
* Fixed JSLint and JSDoc reports in build (errr, "somebody" forgot to re-enable them after commenting them out to get a faster build while doing ;-)
* Applied the new skin properly in the generated docos
* Made some minor code changed to pass more JSLint errors/warnings... read more

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2008-02-20

Sarissa Released

Changes for
* Removed "!==" and "===" operators.
* Fixed bug with Sarissa.updateContentFromNode(), thanks to Javinto (SF user) andHartmut Wynen for finding the bug and solution respectively.
* Refactored the callback stuff in Sarissa.updateContentFromXXX methods. They work alot better and with appropriate signatures now. Sarissa.updateContentFromNode now uses no callbacks since it's not an async method.
* Added table utilities, just sorting for table data for now. Maybe you'll find it useful.... read more

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2008-02-18

Sarissa 0.9.9 Released!

Changes for 0.9.9:
* Fixed errors in Sarissa.updateContentFromForm (that's what you get for
not keeping your unit tests up to date)
* Two distributions now exist: a JAR artifact for for Maven users
(sarissa-VERSION.jar) and one for generic projects that also includes the
documentation (
* Changed XSLT output behavior in XSLTProcessor to follow the spec (or rather,
let the browser do do ;-) thanks to Doug D (dougdomeny)
* Fixed document.importNode for IE thanks to Duncan Booth... read more

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2007-12-03

Sarissa Released!

Changes for
* Fixed pickRecentProgID variable scope and JSLint compliance thanks to Duncan Booth
* Fixed included/imported stylesheet along with the document() function for MSXML 3.0 thanks to a bug report by zizo1 (sf user)
* Added compressed versions of all script files; they are created automatically thanks to the MobilVox Maven JavaScript Plugin, see
* Added syntax highlighting to the HOWTOs thanks to the integration of SyntaxHighlighter by Alex Gorbatchev to our custom Maven skin, see read more

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2007-08-17

Sarissa Released!

Changes for
* Changed importStylesheet for IE thanks to dougdomeny.
* Fixed XSLT parameter clearing bugs thanks to Vitaliy Ischenko.
* Added support for Javeline's XPath/XSLT. compatibility library thanks
to Jean Sebastien Baklouti and Ruben Daniels.



Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2007-07-13

Sarissa Bugfix Released!

Fixed XSLTProcessor.getParameter bug thanks to Jason (MoonScript sf user)

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2007-04-16

Sarissa Released!

Project build ported to Maven 2, couple of minor bugs fixed. Check out the new site at

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2007-04-05

Sarissa IE7 and Safari bugfix

* Fixed MXXMLWriter warning and XHTML transformToFragment testcase thanks to Waleed K. Abdulla
* Fixed some typos/errors that broke Safari

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2006-11-30

Sarissa IE7 bugfix

Sarissa has been released:

Fixed document.importNode check for IE 7 thanks to Waleed K. Abdulla

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2006-11-15

Sarissa improoved support for Opera 9 and IE7
* Emulated XMLDocument via Document for Opera and fixed XPath thanks to Joao Eiras and Michael(tm) Smith
* Removed MSXML 4/5 progIds (warnings/bugs) thanks to Duncan Booth and Rick Oosterholt
* Fixed transformToDocument for MSXML 3 (probably the SP2 pooped version) thanks to bug submitter Waleed K. Abdulla and the anonymous poster with the fix [1549749]
* Fixed transformToFragment bug thanks to Robert Sanders
* Fixed Sarissa.copyChildNodes thanks to Waleed K. Abdulla
* Fixed selectSingleNode bug thanks to Joao Eiras
* Made document.importNode a bit smarter to stop IE from getting too clever for it's own good thanks to Duncan Booth
* Fixed IE's document.importNode to use document.importNode thanks to Duncan Booth
* Fixed XSLT document() function for MSXML 6 thanks to Ron MacCracken
* Added XSLTProcessor.clearParameters for IE... read more

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2006-11-13

Sarissa bugfix release

Features XSLTProcessor and Sarissa.updateContentFromXXX fixes. Also: the return of transformToFragment.


Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2006-05-29

Sarissa 0.9.7 release

Lots of fixes, better Opera and Safari support. Enjoy!

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2006-05-10

Sarissa bugfix release

Changelog for
* Fixed bug in Sarissa.updateContentFromNode thanks to Franky Braem
* Added Safari DOMParser support thanks to a wonderfull idea published
by Nate Steiner on his blog that utilizes the data: URI scheme and
Erik Arvidsson that suggested this could easily be wrapped to emulate
DOMParser. Many thanks to cedric for pointing out the above (between other things).
* Removed XSLTProcessor.tranfrormToFragment (didn't work anyway)
* Added .load support for Opera thanks to cedric
* Added support for HTML nodes in Sarissa.serialize
* Tried to make Safari sniffing more strict thanks to Phil Green who pointed out spoofing is easy
* Fixed bugs thanks to feedback by Vincenzo Alcamo

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2005-07-14

Sarissa 0.9.6 released

* Deprecated stuff as warned in 0.9.4 ;-)
* Big change: loadXML is no longer used, as there's no way to emulate it in Opera.
So i just removed it directly; to load an XML string to a DOM, you have to use the
DOMParser object. No way to do anything like that in Safari though.
* Added Minesweeper as first sample application, original code kindly donated by
Sean Whalen, also maintainer of it; welcome Sean!
* Fixed Opera and Safari issues thanks to Phil Endecott and Conrad Chu
* Fixed Sarissa.getText bug (ignored CDATA) thanks to Noah Bast
* Added Sarissa.moveChildNodes and a third optional parameter to Sarissa.copyChildNodes (preserved old behavior by default)
* Fixed bug in Sarissa.copyChildNodes thanks to Brad Koehn (if i only had 20$ for each download ;-)
* Upgraded JSDoc and ECMAUnit

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2005-06-18

Sarissa 0.9.3 bugfix release

Fixed long lived readyState bug in finally clause in XMLDocument.prototype.load. Added var before for loop indexes. Thanks to daneroo for the bugreport!

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2004-09-02

Sarissa 0.9.2 bugfix release

Sarissa was 'adversely affecting Array'. This bug was there since the very first version and was discovered by rflaherty, who also provided the initial patch. Now sarissa inherits the Array from a new class instead of extending it directly. Enjoy!

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2004-08-22

Sarissa 0.9.1 released

With support for Mozlla's XSLTProcessor on IE (reusable stylesheets), utilization of MSXML 5.0 progIDs and (since 0.9.0) improoved JSDoc based documentation. GPL/LGPL.

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2004-08-06

Sarissa 0.9 rc1 released

Added support for Element.transformNode and Element.transformNodeToObject (previously supported as methods of Document objects only).

Now you can

var elem = document.getElementById("foo");
var nodes = elem.selectNodes("foo/bar[@fooable='true']");

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2003-10-07

Sarissa 0.9b4 - bugfix

Just fixed a bug in XMLDocument.prototype._sarissa_clearDOM. Thanks to Paul for pointing this one out.

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2003-07-25

Sarissa v0.9b3 released

Some features where broken for Moz 1.4 but everything is fixed now. Enjoy ;-)

Posted by Emmanuil Batsis (Manos) 2003-07-16