
rsync friendly file encryption / News: Recent posts

Version 1.14 of rsyncrypto has been released

Version 1.14 of rsyncrypto has been released. Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

Main change is a bug fix for a problem with passing both --filelist and --trim to rsyncrypto.

This version temporarily dropped Windows support. Windows support will resume as soon as we manage to port the project files to Visual Studio 2015. Help on that front would be greatly appreciated.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2017-09-03

Version 1.13 has been released

Version 1.13 of rsyncrypto has been released. Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This version temporarily dropped Windows support. Windows support will resume as soon as we manage to port the project files to Visual Studio 2015. Help on that front would be greatly appreciated.... read more

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2016-11-14 Labels: Release

Version 1.12 of rsyncrypto released

Version 1.12 of rsyncrypto has been released. Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

New to this release:
- On Windows - better error reporting
- Create files in a safe way

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2008-07-23

Rsyncrypto 1.11 released

Version 1.11 of rsyncrypto has been released. Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

New to version 1.11:
- Solved segfault in case of missing private key
- On Windows Vista will now properly detect (and skip) symbolic links
- Better error handling - will skip error and continue operation

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2008-06-24

Rsyncrypto 1.10 released

Version 1.10 of rsyncrypto has been released. Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

New to version 1.10:
- A bug fix for Windows - mkdir with only drive letter would fail
- Added an --export-changes option for optimizing rsync file list negotiation. Do not use without first reading the manual page!

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2008-05-23

Rsyncrypto 1.08 released

Version 1.08 of rsyncrypto has been released. Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

Version 1.08 is a bug fix release. The bugs fixed:
- When a directory turns into a file with the same name, rsyncrypto aborts the encryption if file name encryption is turned on.
- Empty file map no longer stops rsyncrypto
- Problem supposedly fixed on Windows for 1.07 really fixed this time
- Rsyncrypto now properly deletes files from the encrypted and keys folder when they are deleted with name encryption.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2008-05-11

Rsyncrypto 1.07 released

Version 1.07 of rsyncrypto has been released. Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

Main new feature for this version is a Windows MSI installer. In addition, this version fixes several bugs discovered since the previous version, the most notable are:
- Failure to delete files when using name encryption
- Problem encrypting/decrypting from one drive to the other... read more

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2008-05-07

Rsyncrypto wins first price

Rsyncrypto has won first price in Cetril's Free Software Trophy award (Trophées du Libre) in the "Security" category.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2007-11-30

Rsyncrypto 1.06 released

Version 1.06 of rsyncrypto has been released. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This version fixes regressions created by 1.05, mostly where encrypting stdin was concerned. Also fixed in this version are several outstanding bugs.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2007-11-28

Rsyncrypto 1.05 released

Version 1.05 of rsyncrypto has been released. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This version fixes a bug on Linux, where due to the use of O_NOATIME erroneous "Permission denied" errors were reported.

Also new in this version are two new command line options. One for controlling the use of O_NOATIME, and the second for enabling reduced precision in comparing file times, mostly for FAT file systems.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2007-11-17

Rsyncrypto 1.04 released

Version 1.04 of rsyncrypto has been released. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plain text file result in localized modifications in the cypher text file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This is bug fix version. On Unix, it is now possible to encrypt a list of files, where the file list is received from standard input.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2007-07-20

Rsyncrypto 1.02 released

Version 1.02 of rsyncrypto has been released. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This is (another) bug fix version. On Windows, root directories were incorrectly handled, as well as some timestamp problems regarding Window's (mis)handling of daylight saving.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2007-02-05

Rsyncrypto 1.01 released

After the dramatic "we are 1.0" news, and the not less dramatic "Don't use it", we are proud to announce that a 1.x version of rsyncrypto is, finally, ready for general use.

Version 1.01 fixes the problems discovered in 1.00, and is ready for general consumption.

Share and enjoy

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2007-01-18

Do not use version 1.00

Due to an unforseen regression, rsyncrypto 1.00 is not recommended for production use. An updated version will be posted as soon as it's ready.

In the mean while, it is recommended that interested parties use version 0.19. It has a decryption only bug affecting only Windows, and only files larger than 4GB.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2007-01-13

Final release of rsyncrypto - 1.0

Rsyncrypto 1.0 has been released!

After over a year of work, rsyncrypto, the rsync friendly file encryption, is finally ready to be called "1.0". It is encrypting and decrypting, including in production environments, and is working fine and with acceptable performance.

New to this release - a decryption error on files larger than 4GB on Windows.

Share and enjoy

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2007-01-12

Rsyncrypto 0.19 released

Version 0.19 of rsyncrypto has been released today. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This is a speedup version. Performance on all platforms have been greatly speeded up. On a Pentium M 1.8GHz running Linux performance is over 13GB/hr.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2006-11-21

Rsyncrypto 0.18 released

Version 0.18 of rsyncrypto has been released today. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

The main news of this release is a ten times speedup operation on Windows. Windows is still 6 times slower than Linux, but things are finally bearable there.... read more

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2006-11-15

Rsyncrypto 0.17 released

Version 0.17 of rsyncrypto has been released today. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This version fixes two rather minor bugs, and added compilation instructions for rsyncrypto on Windows. Also new in this version is an "examples" section in the rsyncrypto man page.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2006-02-09

Rsyncrypto 0.16 released

Version 0.16 of rsyncrypto has been released today. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

In many respects, this is the most important rsyncrypto release to date. New to this version is support for encrypting the names of the encrypted files. Please check out the "-n" option in the man page.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2005-11-04

Rsyncrypto 0.16 Beta 2 released

Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This beta version adds file name encryption. Functionality wise, it is almost complete, only missing old files deletes. The beta now compiles on all platforms.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2005-10-21

Rsyncrypto 0.16 Beta 1 released

Rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This beta version adds file name encryption. The file name encryption is incomplete, and only covers recursive encryption at this stage. This version does not compile on Windows.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2005-09-18

Project roadmap released

Future plans for the product have been published at These detail all the steps that need to take place before declaring rsyncrypto "released".

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2005-09-18

Win32 package - missing DLL added

The original release 0.14 of rsyncrypto was missing libeay32.dll. The missing file has been added, and the ZIP file updated.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2005-07-26

rsyncrypto 0.14 released

Version 0.14 of rsyncrypto has been released today. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

New to this version - rsyncrypto now runs on Windows!

This version has been totally revamped to use "libargtable" instead of "getopt_long". As part of the Windows port, there was lots of code movement. It also now sports an automatic regression testing tool.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2005-05-18

rsyncrypto 0.13 released

Version 0.13 of rsyncrypto has been released today. rsyncrypto is a rsync friendly file encryption, where localized modifications in the plaintext file result in localized modifications in the cyphertext file, to preserve rsync's efficiency over the wire.

This version fixes a problem that prevented rsyncrypto from running on OpenBSD machines. It also includes the patch for gzip necessary for making gzip work with rsyncrypto.

Posted by Shachar Shemesh 2005-05-03