
Filter Actions Not Taken in Order

  •  Ray

    Ray - 2010-01-22

    I'm a new user of RSSOwl and have installed the latest 2.0.3 update for
    Windows XP SP3. I use filters to copy news items from several feeds into a
    single "Unread" bin. I want the status of these items to remain New after
    the copy to the Unread bin. Finally, I want the status of the original items
    in the feed folders changed to Read after the copy so that they can be
    automatically removed after 30 days.

    For each feed a Match all filter was created with the following subsequent
    actions in order:

    Label News

    Copy News

    Mark News as Read

    The issue is the items in the Unread bin after the copy all have Read
    status. If the last action is deleted, all items copied to the Unread bin have
    the correct status but the status of the original items in the feed folders
    must be manually changed to Read. This would indicate that Mark News as
    Read[" action is being performed before the _Copy News
    in the original

    Is there a way to specify that filter actions be taken in order or is there
    another way to automatically perform the sequence. Any help would be

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-24

    What you try to achieve is currently not possible with how filters work in
    RSSOwl. Actions performed on news will always be performed on all copies of
    the news (not doing so would cause a lot of users post new bugs against

    What about you rather move news to the bin and not copy it?

  •  Ray

    Ray - 2010-01-26

    Thanks for the reply.

    After using RSSOwl further, this issue for me has become moot. I didn't
    realize the status of new news items is automatically changed from New to
    Unread as newer items are received. This will achieve what I want to do as
    long as unread items, that are in fact never read, will have the Clean Up
    property settings applied to them. If this is not the case, please let me

    The reason I copy news items to a centralized bin instead of moving them is
    simple and a personal choice. I like to read all my news items regardless of
    source in chronological order by scrolling. Having all the feeds in a single
    bin ordered by date allows me to do this. _(I'm coming from RSS Bandit which
    has a predefined default Unread folder for doing just this. Unfortunately,
    RSS Bandit has become somewhat decrepit of late, a resource hog with well know
    bugs that never seem to get fixed and the only promised updates being cosmetic
    UI changes.) _ Most of the time I delete all the read feeds in this bin after
    going through them.

    Occasionally I'll delete a item by mistake or need to re-access a deleted
    item. Because I have all the original feed folder's Clean Up property set to
    only delete items older than 30 days, they serve as a search-able 30-day
    backup record of feed updates.

    So far the more I learn the more I'm liking RSSOwl.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-28

    Good to hear that! Yes cleanup should work on unread news even if you never
    saw them. Let me know if it does not work otherwise.


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