
Deleting single news articles

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    I have read other posts complaining that RSSOWL does not yet support deleting single news articles. Is this a complicated feature to add? This seems like a critical element to making the project a success. Can i get a commitment that the DELETE function will be added for the 1.2.3 update? PLEASE!!!! I don't want another aggregator...Owl is just so close!!!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Same here. I have been using other news feeder and finally started using Snarfer two or three months ago. The single item delete feature Snarfer has is a real blessing. Other than that I'm just trying OwlRSS out tonight. I just downloaded it an hour ago to see if I may like it better than Snarfer. The only complaint I have with Snarfer is it keeps reloading the same old feeds every day, and is the reason I started looking around for another RSS Reader. Can't beat that single delete feature!

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2007-06-06

        Please also try rssowl2 (

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-08-31

      This feature is planned for the next major release. Thats not 1.2.3 though.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      For what it's worth, I second the (e)motion. Need to be able to delete single articles.

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Here's another user who miss this feature greatly after migrating over from the Abilon RSS reader. :)

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      now, i know why i cant delete single feed news! ;-)
      There is no feature for it! :-(

      cant wait to see this feature, many thanks for your work!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      One more user who is missing that feature a lot. Its one of the basic feature that will add lot ot value to the application.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        Checkout please.



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