
Same feeds received over and over

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Using version 1.2.1
    I am receiving the same newsfeeds over and over together with a new news item. I do not know if i am doing something wrong or if the problem is with the particular feed although i am experiencing the problem with various feeds.

    What can be done??

    • Nobody/Anonymous

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-08-22

      Please post the URLs of the newsfeeds that cause trouble.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Ben,

      Just another comment, the feeds I supplied in my previous post is just I few of the feeds causing trouble. I basically have the problem with most of the feeds loaded into the reader. I can supply URL's if required.


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-08-24

        Works for me. How often do you see same News coming in ?


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Ben,

      It happens repeatedly.

      I basically received yesterday's feeds all over again together with on or two new feeds for particular URL's. I have marked them as read from the previous day. This also happened on URL's were no new feeds were added.

      On some URL's I will also receive the new feeds and feeds from the previous day will be deleted, but this does not happen on all feeds.

      Maybe I am doing something wrong on my side in adding the URL to the feed etc.?


      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-08-25

        With "Feeds" you mean "News" right?


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Just an example of a feed that works on my side:,,2,00.xml


    • Nobody/Anonymous


      Yes, seperate news items. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2006-08-25

      You said:

      "I basically received yesterday's feeds all over again together with on or two new feeds for particular URL's. I have marked them as read from the previous day. This also happened on URL's were no new feeds were added."

      This sounds like correct behaviour to me, unless the News are marked as unread again.

      RSSOwl displays the news as they are served from the Newsfeed. If the Newsfeed is listing the News from yesterday, without deleting them, RSSOwl will show them as well.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      That makes sense. Just one other question: Is there a way for me to keep an archive of some sort of news received for later referral, apart from using the PDF etc. features?

      After using RSSOwl for a couple of weeks I must however compliment you on a fine product. Other readers does not come close to the functionality offered in RSSOwl. Thanks for all the time and effort!!!

      Francois Wessels

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2006-08-26

        This is not yet possible, but will come in the next major release.



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