
RSS Owl start-up crash

  • Nels

    Nels - 2010-01-21

    RSS Owl 2.0.2 - 2.0.3. Java SE 6 up 17 (build 1.6.0_17-b04)

    When opening RSS Owl I get the attached error "Save Indexer News that have
    been committed"

    Also, clicking into the feeds section in the preferences I get another error

    I have attached screenshots of both issues.

  • Simon Litalien

    Simon Litalien - 2010-01-21

    I too have a problem with the recently installed upgrade. First I had this
    error as Matt_nels is talking about, and now the program simply wont open.

  • Nels

    Nels - 2010-01-22

    My RSS Owl is now working.

    First I made sure I had the most recent backup.opml. Then uninstalled RSS Owl,
    deleted the RSSOwl folder in Program Files, then deleted the .rssowl folder
    under my user profile.

    After a re-install, and import of the backup.opml, everything seems to be
    working fine. Try this out distella01..

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-22

    Using the OPML means that all news are lost (feeds, filters, searches,
    preferences are restored). To restore to a previous backup with all news,
    please refer to

    Can both of you send me the error log (export from help menu)?

  • Simon Litalien

    Simon Litalien - 2010-01-22

    What's happening is that RSSowl fails to start. The icon opens, load to about
    half, and then the icon dissapears. I uninstaled the program twice, and still
    the same thing happens.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-22

    Follow my advise in comment 4.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-22

    (you can send the error log after restoring a backup, its containing all infos
    even after restoring)

  • Simon Litalien

    Simon Litalien - 2010-01-22

    Works real good, I followed your advise ! What might have cause this bog ? Is
    it because I have too many feeds ?

  • Simon Litalien

    Simon Litalien - 2010-01-22

    Ok, RssOwl finally works, but I still have one problem ! The programs opens,
    but it seems that everything I do don't works.

    An exemple, I erased my saved search, close the program, when reopening the
    program, all my previously "erased" search appears

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2010-01-24

    Can you run Tools > Clean Up with the 2 recommended operations at the end to
    see if it makes things better?


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