
No Images on some RSS Feeds

  • Brachor

    Brachor - 2013-10-15

    Hi there

    I have some problems with the RSS Feeds from (for example: feed:// and on some Feeds from On those RSS Feeds the images are not displayed.

    Is there a way to fix this problem?


  • Tommy At Kadx

    Tommy At Kadx - 2013-11-25

    Did you try this:

    Some images are not being displayed in articles, why?

    This is a known issue called hotlink protection and there is a workaround at least on Windows when using XULRunner:

    Setup RSSOwl to use XULRunner
    Open Tools | Preferences | Browser and enable to use embedded browser
    Open a Browser Tab in RSSOwl and type about:config
    Type network.http.sendRefererHeader in the filter bar
    Change the value to 0


    Last edit: Tommy At Kadx 2013-11-25
  • jj99

    jj99 - 2013-11-27

    It's up to the feed administrator for configuring his/her feeds and whether or not they include images. Rssowl will simply display the feed in its current state. I suspect the web designers at Wiley figure that (most) students will not be technical enough to utilize feeds so they probably decided that it's more cost-effective for them to implement their feeds with only minimal, text-only configuration settings while they work on other things.

    I would NOT recommend Tommy At Kadx's workaround. If you do, Mozillazine says you may lose site functionality and experience "adverse effects." I would say you also run the additional risk of getting blacklisted by some sites if they discover you circumventing their hot-linking and anti-spam protection plugins.

    The problem in your case is at the source -- and that's where you should work. Send Wiley's technical staff an email inquiring about possibly implementing images in their RSS feeds. You probably won't get a response (most likely a confusing one at that) from such a low-level support ticket until probably for "months," but it's better than do nothing or other "adverse" actions now.

  • Brachor

    Brachor - 2013-12-12

    How come that with other RSS Readers this problem doesn't occur?

    i kinda like rss owl, but this problem forces me to change to another reader..



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