
Auto Discovery

  • Nobody/Anonymous

    Auto Discovery is a new feature I found in some of the other RSS readers which are integrated to the popular browsers which will surfing some website in those browsers having RSS feeds present on their page pops up a message saying whether you'd like to add the news feed to the reader. Firefox browser displays a small RSS icon at the right bottom corner which when clicked adds the RSS feed to some thing they call 'Live Bookmarks'. It would be great to have RSSOWL do something like this.

    Best Regards,

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-01-31

      Hi Hetal,

      please open a feature request on this issue, sounds very interesting and useful.


    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hi Ben,

      I have added the Auto Discovery feature to the Feature Request list. Sorry, I did not know where the page was but now I know and have added it. Another feature (I think it is already posted) is showing total news items and unread news items. It is really helpful.

      Many Thanks.

      • Anonymous

        Anonymous - 2005-02-01



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