
Open in browser (twice?)

  • Bill Weaver

    Bill Weaver - 2012-10-25

    I've assigned alt-b to "open in browser" (also tried "open in external browser"). When the post is select in the post list, alt-b opens it in a browser tab. As expected. However, after clicking within the post view itself, alt-b opens it in two browser tabs. That is definitely NOT expected. Any idea why? I don't recall this happening before. Seems like it started a week or so ago.

    Windows 7, RSSOwl Version: 2.1.4, Build Id: 2012-07-28

  • Bill Weaver

    Bill Weaver - 2012-10-29

    Anyone monitoring these forums? No replies and quite a few spam discussions.

    Is this project dead? That'd be a shame; RSSOwl is a good reader. But if so, is there another RSS reader anyone can recommend?

  • genodeftest

    genodeftest - 2012-10-29

    To your problem: is there another entry in "Edit ↦ Preferences ↦ Key bindings" for Alt-B?

    Which spam discussions?
    Seems like this project is partly dead. Benjamin Pasero releases some rare bug fixes other users found. But no one is currently maintaining RSSOwl to remain a popular, stable and good RSS reader. It is open source so you can start coding on it. I planned to do so but didn't find enough time…

    You could try Akregator (Linux, KDE; maybe running on Windows), RSS Bandit (Windows) or Liferea (Linux, Gnome; maybe running on Windows).


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