
Postcast Download Support

  • patrick

    patrick - 2005-07-20

    Recently I've been listening to podcasts, since the feeds are RSS 2.0, they're easily added to RSSOwl. Right now I simply copy the link, and wget it in a console to the directory I want. What would be great though is if RSSOwl could get it automatically for me, that would just be fantastic. I don't think it would be hard, there's a bunch of iTunes tags within the xml doc to differentiate it from regular RSS feeds. Its not a big deal and I can live without it, just a simple suggestion.

    Thanks for this great piece of software, it's just what I wanted after fighting with a few others.

    • Marco Brandizi

      Marco Brandizi - 2005-11-08

      I guess that isn't still possible to say "Download the URLs pointed by all the items in this tab", or selected items, etc.

      Shouldn't be difficult to pass them to wget...

    • patrick

      patrick - 2005-07-20

      I'm dumb... dismiss this; I added it to the feature request tracker where it can be properly ignored. :D

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2005-07-20

      So how is it working in other readers, are they downloading all the enclosures of the type MP3 as soon as the Feed is opened into a certain directory?


    • patrick

      patrick - 2005-07-20

      Out of the two readers that has had the feature only one reader actually worked and it was kind of annoying, prompting you with a type of balloon dialog for every enclosure in a just added feed, and then only for every new post/item after that; no way to disable the dialog made it infuriating, so it got uninstalled. Any way, it downloaded the enclosure irregardless of type, LugRadio for instance has an OGG feed which it would download and it did as you suggested download to a specified (in preferences) directory.

      If this feature gets added, make sure to add a check if the file already exists. I have two gigs of audio files from podcasts just sitting in a folder and it would be dumb for them to get downloaded again. This might be the same kind of behavior RSSOwl uses for images for offline viewing already, I don't know.

      I thought the feature request tracker, summary keyword search on the browse page would filter for what you searched by. Sorry for adding a request that's already been asked for.

      • Nobody/Anonymous

        I see. You should post your ideas into the existing feature request.



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