
Feature Request - Printing

  • rubso

    rubso - 2009-07-24

    Dear RSSowl Devs,

    I have an idea in my mind, a feature I wanted so bad in RSSOwl.

    If for example, RSS Feed has new items coming, I can add an option that could let me print the new items on the time of arrival, and add options to print headlines or headlines with details, and the maximum numbers of items that could be printed in 1 time.

    I'm really excited for features that are more centric around printing in the upcoming versions and see what you could do in this field.

    Thanks In advance. and Keep up the good work guys, because this piece of software is the only best RSS Reader around.

    • Anonymous

      Anonymous - 2009-07-25

      You should open a feature request on this at

      • rubso

        rubso - 2009-07-25

        hey there,

        I really don't know how to use BugZilla, or add a feature request.

        could you help with that? :)


        • Anonymous

          Anonymous - 2009-07-25

          Just create an account at and create a new feature request.

          • rubso

            rubso - 2009-07-25

            I can add new bugs only. I can't find the link to creating a feature request. sorry :(

            • Anonymous

              Anonymous - 2009-07-25

              Right, when you dropdown the "Severity" list you will see "Enhancement".

              • rubso

                rubso - 2009-07-25

                Thanks for your help. Much appreciated. :)


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