
#91 "Choose action" window isn't "raised"

ROX-Filer (85)

When trying to set action for chosen filetype via right-click, the little "choose action" window is opened BELOW the window with file list, and therefore it stays invisible (covered entirely). Of course, when moving file window aside, one can discover the "action" window hidden below - but I suppose, it should be raised over file window instantly, exactly as "properties" is; current behaviour is misleading and annoying.
Linux, ROX-Filer 2.10, GTK+ 2.18.3


  • Zbigniew

    Zbigniew - 2010-01-17

    I forgot to mention, that the same problem occurs in case of several other window types, for example for some error messages, like "No run action specified...". This can be very annoying, because file window suddenly stops responding, and the user doesn't know, why - pay attention, that the file window itself cannot be closed, until user closes the error message window first.

  • Stephen Watson

    Stephen Watson - 2010-04-07

    It's probably your window manager doing that. Check it for options related to "focus stealing".

  • Zbigniew

    Zbigniew - 2010-04-07

    Unfortunately, no such option in IceWM's configuration files. I'm afraid, it's rather unlikely, because I didn't notice such strange behavior with any other application; only in ROX. Besides: actually, it's not about focus, but about s.c. "stacking order" rather. The window with important information appears BELOW the one already present on the screen. Being covered entirely, it's invisible - and I cannot click the button, until I move the one on the top somewhere aside.

    It doesn't even need to have a focus, but it should appear on the top.

  • Stephen Watson

    Stephen Watson - 2010-04-07

    Intefering with the stacking order is how window managers implement focus stealing prevention, see e.g.

    Check your IceWM configuration for options starting with FocusOnMap

  • Zbigniew

    Zbigniew - 2010-08-13

    Yes, you were right: I was keeping a "winoptions" file created years ago, for much older versions of ROX-filer and IceWM; it was taken from some tutorial, and - until the described problem arrived - it didn't make any problem. AFAIR it was recommended set of options for the team "ROX-IceWM" (by the author of tutorial). It looks like below:

    ROX-Panel.layer: Dock
    ROX-Panel.doNotCover: 1
    ROX-Pinboard.layer: Below
    ROX-Filer.ignoreWinList: 1
    ROX-Filer.ignoreTaskBar: 1
    ROX-Filer.ignoreQuickSwitch: 1
    ROX-Filer.noFocusOnMap: 1

    And - as you can see - exactly the last line made the problem, when using more recent versions of ROX and IceWM. No idea now, however, why it was recommended, and why it didn't make the problem before. Anyway: by commenting out the last verse I have disposed of the problem, so it wasn't any bug in ROX. Thanks for your tips!

  • Stephen Watson

    Stephen Watson - 2010-08-14

    Closing as this is not a bug, see below.

  • Stephen Watson

    Stephen Watson - 2010-08-14
    • status: open --> closed-wont-fix

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