
Request: Profession Listings

  • Nobody/Anonymous


    Now I know I'm lazy, so thats out of the way. I'd also like to say that this is a great addon thats already saved me a ton of gold :)

    Was wondering if it was possible to setup an extra tab on the interface that can be sorted by Profession, that lists every available purchasable recipie.

    Nothing fancy you understand. No need to spend hours making the thing look pwetty. Just something that shows the name, the area, and the cost. It'd be cool if the list could be "formatted" via the availability drop down menu as well, but its not really somthing thats required.

    Just thought I'd throw it out there if you were running short on things to add to it ;)

    Thanks in advance

    Graz - Quel'Thalas

    • Jay Miller

      Jay Miller - 2007-10-16

      I'm not sure I fully understand your idea, but I thought I'd mention that Recipe Radar does have two "modes": one for finding recipes in your current region, and one for finding all recipes of a certain profession (worldwide).  It sounds a bit like you're looking for the second mode, and you can find it by clicking on the second of the two "tabs" near the top-left of the RR frame.

      Thanks for the kind words, btw!

    • Nobody/Anonymous

      Hehe, Thats exactly what I was looking for :)

      Why I never noticed that before I have no idea.

      Thanks again for the great addon, and keep up the good work :)  *search search*

      Graz - Quel'Thalas


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