
Any chance of the original developers' ...

  • qubodup

    qubodup - 2010-03-18

    I'm just wondering if the original devs might ever re-pickup this project :)


  • Cliff Yapp

    Cliff Yapp - 2010-03-19

    Well, according to the website:

    Project orphaned  2007.06.12
    Feel free to pick it up, if you feel it's worth something.:)

    so, probably not :-(  That was a couple years ago, and that was years after the last change…

    Rather a shame, but it looks like a bit of a job to get the C++ code compiling with modern g++…

  • Cliff Yapp

    Cliff Yapp - 2010-03-19

    At this point, it would probably be more logical to try to re-implement the game play in a more modern, maintained engine like Ogre if reviving the gameplay is the goal (I always did like reaper's dogfighting…)


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