
Tree [574d7d] master /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 lib 2010-02-18 Joe Balough Joe Balough [d21ac4] initial commit
 quizzes 2011-02-22 Joe Balough Joe Balough [0c7940] re-added the tour quiz
 .gitignore 2010-02-19 Joe Balough Joe Balough [16d4e2] added gitignore
 README 2010-02-19 Joe Balough Joe Balough [546976] added quizzes dir and changed README
 quizzy.css 2010-02-18 Joe Balough Joe Balough [d21ac4] initial commit
 quizzy.js 2010-02-19 Joe Balough Joe Balough [0290c5] fixed bug where if multiple options were the be...
 quizzy.php 2010-02-18 Joe Balough Joe Balough [d21ac4] initial commit
 quizzyConfig.js 2010-02-18 Joe Balough Joe Balough [d21ac4] initial commit
 quizzyConfig.php 2011-02-22 Joe Balough Joe Balough [574d7d] a bunch of whitespace cleanups done automatical...
 quizzyHeader.php 2010-02-19 Joe Balough Joe Balough [4096fa] should be loading min js
 quizzySkin.css 2010-02-18 Joe Balough Joe Balough [d21ac4] initial commit
 quizzyXML.php 2010-02-18 Joe Balough Joe Balough [d21ac4] initial commit
 serveExplanation.php 2010-11-04 Joe Balough Joe Balough [5e97d8] Merge branch 'master' into check-support
 serveQuestion.php 2010-11-04 Joe Balough Joe Balough [5e97d8] Merge branch 'master' into check-support
 serveQuiz.php 2010-11-04 Joe Balough Joe Balough [5e97d8] Merge branch 'master' into check-support
 serveQuizzes.php 2011-02-22 Joe Balough Joe Balough [574d7d] a bunch of whitespace cleanups done automatical...

Read Me

IE 6 quirks:
 - loading message does not work (users will not be told when AJAX calls are being loaded)
 - images are constrained by having a width or height set, since max-width & max-height do not work

Opera quirks:
 - when scrolling to the second question (and only that one) the first question scrolls from off the 
 		right side of the screen (instead of its current location). I have no idea why.

Overall quirks:
 - quizzes with descriptions that have pictures will slide down in an.... odd... fashion. It works, but could
 		look much better. It's being worked on... top bug really. 
 - if you skin the quiz to be position: absolute, loading stops working.

Browser compatibility -- Tested and confirmed working (with above mentioned quirks) in the following browsers:
	IE 6, 7, and 8 (quirks and standards compliant mode)
	Firefox 1.5, 2, 3, and 3.5
	Opera 8, 9, and 10
	Safari 4 and 5
	Konqueror 4.3

To use: 
	1. extract quizzy and put the 'quizzy' directory into the same folder as your webpage.
	2. drop <?php include 'quizzy/quizzyHeader.php';?> in your <head> section
	3. put <?php include 'quizzy/quizzy.php'; ?> in your <body> section where you want the quiz
	4. edit quizzySettings.php and quizzySettings.js to your liking
	5. Create some quizzes and drop them into $quizFolder (probably 'quizzy/quizzes/')

Quiz XML formatting:
Any line in [square brackets] is optional, lines that have ... are places you can add more of that type
of element. Any picture you add has to be under the quizzes/[pictures directory] folder.
See quizzyConfig.php.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <title>Quiz title</title>
    [<img src="foo.jpg" alt="bar" />]
      <text>Quiz description</text>
      [<img src="foo.jpg" alt="bar" />]
      <range start="0" end="60">
        [<img src="foo.jpg" alt="bar" />]
      <text>Question Text</text>
      [<img src="foo.jpg" alt="bar" />]
        <text>Option Text</text>
      	[<img src="foo.jpg" alt="bar" />]
          <text>Explanation text</text>
      	  [<img src="foo.jpg" alt="bar" />]

Future features:
 - Non-multiple choice options (text input and checkboxes ftw)					medium
 - Database integration.. to make quiz perfectly uncheatable by storing score on server		hard
 - Printing stylesheet										easy