I think it's extremely unfortunate that QuickRip confuses its users with labeling the FFmpeg MPEG-4 codec as "DivX".

It's not DivX. It's the MPEG-4 codec from the opensource libavcodec/FFmpeg. And no, FFmpeg does not and can not have a DivX codec. There's only one DivX - it's a commercial closed-source MPEG-4 codec made by DivXNetworks. It's their trademark.

Even though I understand that DivX is one of the most widely misunderstood terms in computer history, the fact is that QuickRip does not use DivX (which is not very useful in Unix/Linux anyway).

FFmpeg MPEG-4 and DivX have nothing in common, except that both use the same ISO/IEC standard format as XviD, that is MPEG-4. So it encodes to MPEG-4, not "to DivX" (DivX and XviD are not formats, they're just one of many MPEG-4 codecs). Again, there's no other "DivX" than the one made by DXN, which QuickRip doesn't use. So the term "DivX" in QuickRip is as true as saying that QuickRip is a MS Windows program written in VisualBasic.

Anyway, I don't mean to be nasty or something, in fact QuickRip is very nice, I just started learning Python so for me it's also a useful source of education. Keep up the good work, and please rename the "DivX" to "FFmpeg MPEG-4" or "libavcodec MPEG-4" :-).
