
QuickRip / News: Recent posts

Development underway again

I am tentatively starting work on QuickRip again. I have so far rewritten parts of the base module to use mmpython, and I have rewritten the bulk of the CLI module to make better use of class methods. I plan to have a working 0.9alpha, with only a CLI (no GUI) and only basic DivX+AVI ripping support, out in the forseeable future. From there I will be able to resume work on expanding the feature set, and implementing the GUIs.

Posted by Tom Chance 2004-03-01

No support for QuickRip until next release

To all those who have support requests with QuickRip, I will no longer be able to provide any support until I find the time to get back to work on QuickRip and finish off version 0.9. This is because of other committments piling up on me; I simply haven't got the time.

If you have a problem with QuickRip, I suggest you either browse the support forums and try to fix it yourself, or that you try an alternative like Acidrip, dvd::rip or drip.

Posted by Tom Chance 2003-11-19

QuickRip 0.8 (stable) released

QuickRip is an easy-to-use DVD ripper for UNIX written in Python. Release 0.8 adds the ability to choose between DivX and XviD video codecs, to directly change the video bitrate, an indication of the time taken per pass during ripping, and automatic removal of black borders. Lots of bugs have also been fixed, and the code has been improved, with a total of five people now developing the code.

Full Changelog:

Posted by Tom Chance 2003-07-31

QuickRip 0.7 (stable) released

QuickRip is an easy-to-use DVD ripper for UNIX written in Python. Release 0.7 adds the ability to rip with one-pass, two-pass and three-pass encodes, and to resize the video for PDAs. Lots of bugs have also been fixed, and the code has been improved, as a result of a new developer (J. Vargas) working on the project.

Full Changelog:

Posted by Tom Chance 2003-06-13

QuickRip 0.6 (stable) released

QuickRip is an easy-to-use DVD ripper for UNIX written in Python. Release 0.6 adds the ability to set the binary paths, default output path and mencoder options for de-interlacing and aspect ratios, along with various UI improvements and performance bugfixes.

Settings are saved in a config file, ~/.quickriprc, and are human-readable. If you want to try de-interlacing, we recommend you read the documentation first (see link at bottom of this news item), and then experiment to see what gives you the best results.... read more

Posted by Tom Chance 2003-04-30