
Website Development

  • progesterone

    progesterone - 2008-11-17

    Hello Everyone,

    I just would like to let you know that I'm trying to develop a website for Quex. At the moment, I am starting to get familiar with Quex and its documentation.


    I guess you are web developer, aren't you? Could you please let us know what area you are intending to do in website development?

    • Frank-Rene Schäfer

      Hi 'progesterone',

      as I said, I guess it would be the best if we would all meet in the quex-cafe (audio conference) some time in order to clarify some basic outlines and goals. What about 11pm Berlin time?

    • progesterone

      progesterone - 2008-11-17

      I am in GMT +10 time zone.

      I prefer the time the last conference held which was Friday 5:30am Berlin time.

      • Frank-Rene Schäfer

        OK. I would say, though, that we introduce the 5 minutes rule, i.e. if five minutes after start no one shows up the conference is closed. Also, the ones who want to share should send me there skype-ids.

        By the way, is there anything against switching to aMSN which is a free implementation of MSN? I had trouble to install the microphone driver for linux that skype requires. aMSN run out of the box.

        • progesterone

          progesterone - 2008-11-18

          I have MSN installed, and I think it can communicate with aMSN. For me, either MSN ( or Skype (progesterone) is ok.

    • Tasos Chalkias

      Tasos Chalkias - 2008-11-18

      Hello to everyone,

      First of all, I want to apologize to you Frank, because I told you I would send you a sample until Friday. However, I did not. You see, I was studying for school.

      I am glad to see you recruited others, too. Progesterone, hello to you. I have sent something to Frank. It is just a layout of how I imagine the site to be. The main point here is the script, behind the site.

      Frank, I hope you like it. Of course, there is much to be added... so, please, let me know how you imagine it to be. Tell about the colours, some graphics you may like etc.

      Progesterone, you are currently working on the documentation? Could you send me a copy of what you have done so far? Thank you.

      Is there anything I could do to help with the documentation?


    • Frank-Rene Schäfer

      Hi Progresterone, Tasos.

      the documentation is Martin's and Malaathi's job. Please, do not worry about that. I would like for all of us to get together on Friday. As I said. we need to get a clear picture about who is going to do what.

      Thanks Tasos, for sending me the example site. It shows that you are familiar
      with some basic techniques. However, I guess we should wait for Progresterone's comments. To be honest, I had in mind to use a CMS (drupal, plone, or joomla), because with those tools it is very easy to get fancy things done quickly.

      Another issue is security. How safe is it with those CMSes? Prog. Do you have any experience?

    • Frank-Rene Schäfer


      -- please send me also your skype-id, so I can put you on the list of the conference.

      -- changing forum entries: I don't know. But I guess you could push the 'delete' button.
      Or, Tell me what you want to delete (Thread Name + copy/paste Date) and I'll do it for you.



    • progesterone

      progesterone - 2008-11-24

      Hi Frank,

      I am looking for the well-developed opensource CMS that suits your need. That CMS needs be customised and technically administered by me and thus it also needs to be written in PHP. If a suitable CMS can be found, we don't need to reinvent the wheel and the development period can be shorten obviously. The one you suggested which is polliwog was written in Java.

      Regarding security issues in CMS, I see sufficient security measures are already included. However, installation of security update paths and version updates are also essential to maintain security.

      As for membership, I am alright with that.

      • Frank-Rene Schäfer

        There was a misunderstanding.

        Polliwog is just a tool to display web traffic. What I liked was the way that the FAQ was presented. I still think that plone, joomla or drupal are the most suited alternatives.

        Can you setup a sample web site on a publically accessible URL, ie. something like ?

        It should not be a big deal, is it?

        Best Regards


        • Frank-Rene Schäfer

          PS, I forget to mention that I would like to include tutorial videos/screen captures. If you have any trouble to decide what CMS to use, I would vote for Drupal. That looks very well organized and the community is very active.

    • progesterone

      progesterone - 2008-12-02


      It was ok to connect to project shell, but I got "permission denied" error when accessing /home/groups/q/qu/quex/.

      • Frank-Rene Schäfer

        You have explicitly given permission to access the web server.

        Allow access to shell server group space (i.e. web space) is set to [[OK]].

        did you 'cd /home/....'

        If you want we can open the quex-cafe today at 21h00 Cologne/Berlin Time and
        fix this online.

        • progesterone

          progesterone - 2008-12-02

          I could not join quex-cafe. I'll try again tomorrow.

          • Frank-Rene Schäfer

            21h00 Cologne Time should be 7h00 Australia Time.

            • progesterone

              progesterone - 2008-12-03

              Hi Frank,

              I will be available from 10pm Wednesday Berlin Time to 7am Friday Berlin Time at Google Talk to discuss regarding access to sourceforge server.


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