
Quantum Database Utility / News: Recent posts

Quantum 3.3.2 released

There is a new release for Quantum. No new user features have been added, so you don't need to update from 3.3.1, except if you want logging, or you want to add Quantum to an RCP and want the JUnit dependency removed.

Posted by Julen Parra 2009-08-22

Quantum 3.3.1 released

Quantum 3.3.1 has been released. This release contains some bug fixes, updates and new features. All users are invited to update. The most relevant new feature is the substitution variables, where you can put a variable in your query, and be asked for a value to be substituted every time you run the query. See the Quantum Help->Query View->Variable Substitution for more info. Note that variable substitution is disabled by default.

Posted by Julen Parra 2009-07-01

Quantum DB 3.0.7 (for Eclipse 3.3) released

his is basically a compatibility release, to be compatible with Eclipse 3.3. Quantum 3.0.6 will crash when opening an SQL Editor. Quantum 3.0.7 will not, but if you have active the text drag and drop (the default in Eclipse 3.3.x), you won't be able to drag and drop from the Bookmark View, as before. We'll wait till SWT allows multiple Drag and Drop targets to fully solve this issue.

Posted by Julen Parra 2007-10-20

Quantum DB 3.0.5 (bugfix) released

This is a bug fix release. There was a couple of problems in 3.0.4, one with Eclipse 3.1 and earlier, and other with the editor, for lack of a library. These two problems are solved (hopefully) in 3.0.5

Posted by Julen Parra 2007-03-17

Quantum DB 3.0.4 released

Quantum 3.0.4 is out. This will be the last release to support Java 1.4 and Eclipse less than 3.3. Much work is ahead to clean up the source code so don't expect a new release for some time.

Posted by Julen Parra 2007-03-13

A new Pair of developers is welcome on board

Two new developers that work as a Pair have joined the Quantum developers community. They are carl_manaster and isidore_usa. They are very welcome on board. I'd even say Ho! ho! ho! and a bottle of rum!, to express my satisfaction :o)

Posted by Julen Parra 2007-01-15

Quantum DB 3.0.3 released, 3.0.2 faulty

Quantum 3.0.3 has been released. The 3.0.2 release is faulty and lacks the antlr library. All users are encouraged to change to 3.0.3.

Posted by Julen Parra 2006-10-18

Quantum DB 3.0.2 released

At long last there is a new release. 3.0.2 is out. Check the changelog to see the changes.

Posted by Julen Parra 2006-10-13

Quantum now needs GEF

The Subject tells all. Quantum now need the GEF plugin to work. Check if you have it.

Posted by Julen Parra 2006-01-20

Quantum DB 3.0.1 released

Quantum plugin has a new release, the 3.0.1. Not much changes, but you'll need to have the GEF plugin installed for it to work correctly.

Posted by Julen Parra 2005-12-08

Welcome to Johnnyh

A new developer is to be added to our cozy group :o). Johnnyh has already provided a couple of patches, and so CVS access is to be granted to make things speedier. We welcome this new developer on board and thank him for ranting his time to this community project.

Posted by Julen Parra 2005-10-15

Update site updated

The quantum plugin update site, at:

has been updated to the 3.0.0 version. You can use it to update your plugin.

Posted by Julen Parra 2005-06-27

Quantum 3.0.0 Released

Quantum 3.0.0 is released. Here are the release notes:

This release is called 3.0.0 not because big changes are in, but because it'll be the first that will only support Eclipse 3. In due time, if user demand grants it, another release, called 2.4.6 will be made supporting Eclipse 2 and having most of the features of 3.0.0.
Then the Eclipse 2 tree will be feature-frozen.

Also, the package is now structured as several features, but basically the idea is the same, you unpack it in the Eclipse directory, delete your previous Quantum plugins and have a go.... read more

Posted by Julen Parra 2005-06-21

Quantum DB update site

There is an update site active now for the Quantum DB plugin. It currently has the 2.4.4 release. If you want the comfort of updating your Quantum plugins without having to manually download and install, this can be for you. This update site is located at:

It has only 3.x versions, and will be updated usually some days after the releases are posted in Elvin E. Ebora is the maintainer of this facility.

Posted by Julen Parra 2004-11-02

Welcome to Premkumar Natarajan

Things are warming up in the Quantum developers arena. After Elvin Ebora, we are pleased to welcome a new developer, Premkumar Natarajan (Prem). He is already providing code to the Quantum plug-in. That means more help to develop the growing number of features that we have in mind. Speaking of them features, the developers will start posting them as feature requests to the RFE, so as to have a centralized check point. You can check them there from now on, and have some idea about whats coming.... read more

Posted by Julen Parra 2004-08-14

Welcome to Elvin E.Ebora

Some go, some come. Narrowly following the retirement of Thomas Schneider, the original developer of Quantum, we welcome a new developer, Elvin E. Ebora. He has shown a big interest in helping with the Quantum plug-in. This addition to the developer group will undoubtly help the bug solving and general development of Quantum, and also give a better response to user questions and problems.

We thank him for granting his free time to this community project. Welcome, Elvin.

Posted by Julen Parra 2004-07-06

Retirement of Thomas Schneider

At his own request, I have proceeded to remove the other admin account (Thomas Schneider) from the list of developers of Quantum. Thomas was the originator of the Quantum plugin, and lots of the code inside Quantum is still his own. However, due to lack of time, he was unable to dedicate much effort to the project in latest dates. So he decided to officially retire.

I thank him first for having created this plugin and giving his time and effort to the comunity, and also for his openness and easyness when passing me the administration of the project. I wish him the best of luck in whichever projects he involves himself. ( Snif! this farewell things always move me :o)... read more

Posted by Julen Parra 2004-07-02

June Holidays

From the 4th of June to the 28th, more or less, I (jparrai) will be more or less out of contact. I may or may not check my e-mail, depending on local conditions. So answers to questions, bugs, etc from my part may be long coming. Just that. I pat myself in the back and desire myself happy holidays :o)

Posted by Julen Parra 2004-06-02

Quantum 2.3.0 updated, M8 deleted

The Quantum 2.3.0 release has been updated, solving a little bug, the M8 version shouldn't be needed now, so it has been deleted. Use the normal version with M8.

Posted by Julen Parra 2004-04-16

Quantum 2.3.0 released for M8

Quantum 2.3.0 for Eclipse 3.0 M8 is released. There was a nasty bug that hanged the entire workspace. Now it's solved. All users of Eclipse 3.0 M8 are urged to update.

Posted by Julen Parra 2004-04-08

Quantum 2.3.0 released

Quantum 2.3.0 is released. It has minor operative changes.
There are some bugfixes and improvements. I was busy and didn't note them, but notified the interested parties, so the changelog is mostly empty. Only a relevant new feature, of no standalone use. This feature is the definition of two extension points to allow extending Quantum from other plug-ins. More info on that in the release notes. So if you are not bugged by any commented bug or want to develop a Quantum extension, it's not really worth to upgrade.

Posted by Julen Parra 2004-03-21

Change of license terms

As you will surely have notice, or most likely not, Quantum has changed its licence terms. To be more precise we have changed it from being GPL (General Public License) to CPL (Common public license). The legal technicalities overwhelm me, but the CPL is the license of Eclipse, and is approved by the OSI, so all should be well :o) The change is an initiative of one of the developers, BC Holmes, with the aim of allowing easier bundling of Quantum into mixed (Open Source and not) packages. The GPL is a bit more strict, some would say less clear, in that respect.... read more

Posted by Julen Parra 2003-11-26

Quantum 2.2.2 released

Quantum 2.2.2 is released. This is no longer considered experimental.
No new important changes, only minor bug fixes. So if you are not bugged by any bug, you can skip the release.

Posted by Julen Parra 2003-10-11

Quantum 2.2.1 (beta) released

Quantum 2.2.1 is released. This is still considered experimental.
No bugfixes or important changes, only a new feature. So if you are not interested in the feature (allows customized copying of columns and tables, see changelog for more details), it's not worth to upgrade.

Posted by Julen Parra 2003-08-26

Quantum 2.2 (beta) released

The EXPERIMENTAL new version of quantum, 2.2.0 is released. It's compiled for Eclipse 2.1.1 libraries, but it seems to work in 2.1.0. Version is beta, with many structure changes. Use only in test environments until sure it works in your systems. Check the Release Notes and Changelog for more details.

Posted by Julen Parra 2003-07-31