
Change of license terms

As you will surely have notice, or most likely not, Quantum has changed its licence terms. To be more precise we have changed it from being GPL (General Public License) to CPL (Common public license). The legal technicalities overwhelm me, but the CPL is the license of Eclipse, and is approved by the OSI, so all should be well :o) The change is an initiative of one of the developers, BC Holmes, with the aim of allowing easier bundling of Quantum into mixed (Open Source and not) packages. The GPL is a bit more strict, some would say less clear, in that respect.

All the copyright holders to bits of Quantum (that is the original developer, Thomas Schneider, BC Holmes and myself) where consulted and agreed on the change of license.

I think this change will be for the best. I don't know if Quantum will end up in any mixed packages, but at least now we allow it. And if we do end in some package, the bigger audience will only help to improve the tool.

If you are interested in the terms of the CPL, you can read:

Posted by Julen Parra 2003-11-26

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