
Quantum 3.0.0 Released

Quantum 3.0.0 is released. Here are the release notes:

This release is called 3.0.0 not because big changes are in, but because it'll be the first that will only support Eclipse 3. In due time, if user demand grants it, another release, called 2.4.6 will be made supporting Eclipse 2 and having most of the features of 3.0.0.
Then the Eclipse 2 tree will be feature-frozen.

Also, the package is now structured as several features, but basically the idea is the same, you unpack it in the Eclipse directory, delete your previous Quantum plugins and have a go.

The update site will be updated shortly with this release.

Have a look to the Change Log for more info. The Help is also more or less updated.

Posted by Julen Parra 2005-06-21

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