
#232 Feature request: add more shorcut/menu options to navigate the playhead


Please add an easier/quicker way to move the playhead cursor to start or end of selection or track, rather than having to manually click on the timeline with ctrl/shift to move the playhead back. For example, Audacity has the menu options and keyboard shortcuts to move the cursor to start and end of selections and tracks. I am aware of the backspace shortcut in Qtractor to move the cursor back, but it only moves a small distance at a time.

Thanks for all you hardwork!


  • yPhil

    yPhil - 2017-03-10

    (...) move the playhead cursor to start or end of selection (...)

    To do this you can use the "Clip/Loop set" menu shortcut, this will place the left and right markers around your selection, allowing you to use the "Transport/Backward" and "Transport/Forward" KB shortcuts to snap to them. Two keystrokes, very quick and intuitive.

    Bottomline : To get to the start and end of the session. use the "Transport/Backward" and "Transport/Forward" KB shortcuts.

  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-03-11

    to be more explicit:

    • Transport/Backward (Backspace) will move the play-head backwards one step at a time, to puch-out/in, loop-end/start, edit-tail/head and the very first clip start locations, whichever comes first towards the beginning of the timeline; if used with any of the [[Shift]] or [[Ctrl]] keyboard modifiers pressed, the play-head is moved to the absolute beginning of the timeline (time location = 0).

    • Transport/Forward will move the play-head forward one step at a time, to the very first clip start, to puch-in/out, loop-start/end, edit-head/tail and the very last clip end locations, whichever comes first towards the end of the timeline; if used with any of the [[Shift]] or [[Ctrl]] keyboard modifiers pressed, the play-head is moved to the very last clip end location in the timeline.


  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2024-02-11
    • status: open --> closed

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