
#229 Auto backward doesn't work always


When autobackward is on:
Once in a while (about 1 in 20) when I click play/pause or hit the space key the playhead doesn't move back. Hitting space again moves the red position marker to that new position.


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  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-01-10

    but, does playback stop rolling on first hit? or it doesn't just yet until you hit a second time?

  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-01-10

    It stops on the first hit or click but it stops a bit "delayed", not immediately.

  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-05

    Today with the recent git head I used "auto backward", started playback, stopped it and then I had the experience that it jumped back, played a bit (but noisy), then jumped forward (about the amount it jumped back), played a bit (but noisy), jumped back and so on. On the average it moved slowly forward.

    Maybe there's something like an "off by one" error.

    I had similar effects when positioning the playhead while playback is running.

    Klicking the stop button often enough helps most of the time.

    • Rui Nuno Capela

      Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-02-05
      1. what you mean by "played a bit (but noisy)" ?

      2a. what is the (JACK) transport mode you're on?
      2b. if in anything but "None", is there any other application that might be messing around with JACK transport state or position?

      3a. what is the current MIDI MMC or SPP control mode?
      3b. again, if anything but "None", is there any other application or device that might be messing with MIDI MMC and SPP (Song Position Pointer) in any way?


  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-05
    1. stuttering. short fragments played in the correct speed.
      2a. full, with timebase checked
      2b. No other DAW and tools running. No Qjackctl or similar running.
      3a. MMC=duplex, device=any, SPP=duplex, MIDI Clock=none
      3b. no external midi devices, no other midi aware apps running

    Last edit: Holger Marzen 2017-02-05
  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-05

    I could record it. It doesn't happen always. I started and stopped playback with the space bar. Then the position marker stayed at the position instead of going back to the start point. Then I click play as you can see in the video and then the stuttering effect begins.


    Last edit: Holger Marzen 2017-02-05
  • yPhil

    yPhil - 2017-02-05

    I experience that too on a regular basis, only I never could record it.

  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-02-05

    i believe you (both), but can't really get to reproduce it anyhow.

    yet, some more questions:

    1. does it seems to be specific to some sessions and not to others?
    2. can you isolate one minimal session where the "phenomenon" still occurs as often ?
    3. does it only happen when Transport/Auto Backward is set on?
    4. what about Trasnport/Continue Past End ?
    5. what happens when you set Transport/Mode set to "None" ? or turn Timebase off?
    6. any other pattern you may find about when it happens more requently ?


  • yPhil

    yPhil - 2017-02-05
    1. Nope, definitely not ; Light, two-track sessions, or multibus levianthans, same.
    2. I'm afraid not, for the reason stated above
    3. Not sure, since it's always on at mine, but I'm gonna try that
    4. Same
    5. I happen to have tried that, and no, it doesn't seem to change anything
    6. Well, yes: When I'm coming back from another application, typically Firefox, or a file manager. On second though, no, I really don't know.

    Also note that something definitely (well, perceivably) changed recently, in that before (like early juanary) I could STOP this "stuttering" sequence by switching focus between the timeline and the mixer. Now, I can't anymore, I have to wait ; And it also seems to occur more frequently :(

    Thanks for you patience chasing them pesky bugs, I'll keep you posted about my findings



    Last edit: yPhil 2017-02-05
  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-05
    1. No
    2. No, it’s completely independent from the song/session
    3. No. When I place the position marker to a position back while play is running then sometimes the same stuttering/jumping is happening. It never happens when I stop playback first.
    4. Hard to say, I will keep an eye on that
    5. I have to try that
    6. I have no idea yet
  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-05

    I could trigger the stuttering behaviour another way:

    1. Set the left marker (left mouse click)
    2. Set the playhead to that position
    3. press play, e.g. with the space key
    4. press the backspace key again and again to restart playback at that position

    After some tries the stuttering/jumping appears

    Repositioning the playhead while playback is running seems to trigger it.


    Last edit: Holger Marzen 2017-02-05
  • yPhil

    yPhil - 2017-02-05

    Hey, I managed to record it :) I'm afraid it happens a lot now, to the point of being almost reproducible :(

  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-05

    I could record it, too, with the manual backward klick while playback is running

  • yPhil

    yPhil - 2017-02-05

    OK I tried disabling auto backwards and it works, well, it doesn't stutter anymore. Needless to say, I need this auto backwards thingie ; But right now I'm just content to have the upper hand on the playhead ;)

    EDIT : Sadly, even with auto backwards OFF and past end both ON or OFF it still triggers it. I'm going to try (it's not so easy) to disable Pulse to test (note that it's already configured to leave my M-Audio card alone) and report back.


    Last edit: yPhil 2017-02-06
  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-02-06

    does the "phenomenon" also happen on a brand new and empty session ?
    (check: auto backward = on; continue past end = on)

    • yPhil

      yPhil - 2017-02-06

      No, apparently it does not.

      • Rui Nuno Capela

        Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-02-06

        you said it happens on small, two track sessions: what about one track, one clip only?
        you also say that it often happens when getting back from another application eg. firefox; could it be pulseaudio is roaring it's ugly head once again? :)

        • yPhil

          yPhil - 2017-02-06

          Well, one (MIDI) track/clip does not do it, still apparently. And yes, it definitely feels like it "comes from elsewhere" and triple yes, it could be Pulse that behaves again :)

          • Rui Nuno Capela

            Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-02-06

            and a two (MIDI) tracks with one clip, start doing it?

            is there any plugin involved?


            Last edit: Rui Nuno Capela 2017-02-06
  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-06

    I could reproduce it with pulseaudio killed before starting Qtractor. So pulseaudio should be innocent.

    • Rui Nuno Capela

      Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-02-06

      so scrap that allegation :)

      still have no way to reproduce this "auto-backward phenomenon", as i call it, not even once.

      and i've been trying over and over, on several instances, opensuse, ubuntu and fedora vboxes;
      several sample-rates, several buffer-sizes, whatever. not a single evidence.

      one thing in common, should i say, i run it all against jack1 (one) !!! i don't give a damn to jackdbus, so please give me a hint whether you're in anyway being touched by that beast (or under jack2) for x sake.

  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-06

    I run a Qtractor qt4 build and jack2 (jackdmp 1.9.10) without jackdbus.

  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-06

    The smallest set so far where I could reproduce it was a session with one midi track with drumkv1, some midi clips, CALF EQ (lv2) and an Aux send. After I removed the Aux send and the EQ I couldn't reproduce it by now.

    • Rui Nuno Capela

      Rui Nuno Capela - 2017-02-06

      can you tell whether it's the Aux-Send or the Calf-EQ plugin which is at stake?
      and which kind of Aux-Send insert? Audio or MIDI?

  • Holger Marzen

    Holger Marzen - 2017-02-07

    I finally managed to reproduce it after lots of tries with a minimalistic setup:
    one midi track with drumkv1, some clips, audio out to master.
    no other plugins.
    no aux or insert sends.

    I stayed always within one midi clip.

    jack bufsize 512, 2 buffers.

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