
#216 "Fake Bus Automation" results in continous stream of midi cc#10


I somewhat succeeded in making a fake bus automation. I had to 'abuse' the midi-through bus.

What I did:
Create midi bus called Automation
Create midi track with midi out to Automation bus.
Draw some volume automation on that track, set it to active.
Here's the weird part : Connect midi Automation -> midi-through and midi-through -> Control
In the mixer right click on Master audio fader, assign cc#7
move the fader of the midi track. I noticed that cc#7 127 is way over 0 db .. duh .. didn't think of that beforehand ..

When playing the project the audio master fader moves with the midi volume automation.

Now if I skip the midi-through bus and connect Automation out to Control in a continuous stream is created from the Automation bus

10:44:24.091 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)
10:44:24.292 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)
10:44:24.492 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)
10:44:24.692 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)
10:44:24.893 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)
10:44:25.093 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)
10:44:25.293 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)

Just wondering what's going on here ..


Tickets: #216


  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2016-07-22

    because the MIDI track faders (volume and panning) are special cases as hard-codes MIDI controllers, CC#7 and CC#10 respectively: they change in response to incoming messages and they also feedback respective MIDI messages out when changes are done in the GUI widgets (sliders).

    what you're experiencing is the results of a MIDI closed loop, vicious cycle, with positive feedback regeneration of either MIDI CC#7 (track/channel volume) and/or CC#10 (track/channel panning).

    it is always advisable to avoid those deadly embraces at all costs.



    Last edit: Rui Nuno Capela 2016-07-22
    • Rob van den Berg

      I knew I was doing something 'evil' :)
      So why does it work when I insert the midi through bus?

      Op 22 jul. 2016 11:14 schreef "Rui Nuno Capela"

      because the MIDI track faders (volume and panning) are special cases as
      hard-codes MIDI controllers, CC#7 and CC#10 respectively: they change in
      response to incoming messages and they also feedback respective MIDI
      messages out when changes are done in the GUI widgets (sliders).

      what you're experiencing is the results of a MIDI closed loop, vicious
      cycle, with positive feedback regeneration of either MIDI CC#7
      (track/channel volume) and/or CC#10 (track/channel panning).


      Status: open
      Milestone: git_head
      Labels: automation bus
      Created: Fri Jul 22, 2016 08:50 AM UTC by Rob van den Berg
      Last Updated: Fri Jul 22, 2016 08:50 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I somewhat succeeded in making a fake bus automation. I had to 'abuse' the
      midi-through bus.

      What I did:

      • Create midi bus called Automation * Create midi track with midi out to
        Automation bus.

      • Draw some volume automation on that track, set it to active. * Here's
        the weird part
        : Connect midi Automation -> midi-through and
        midi-through -> Control

      • In the mixer right click on Master audio fader, assign cc#7 * move the
        fader of the midi track. I noticed that cc#7 127 is way over 0 db .. duh ..
        didn't think of that beforehand ..

      When playing the project the audio master fader moves with the midi volume

      Now if I * skip the midi-through bus* and connect Automation out to
      Control in a continuous stream is created from the Automation bus

      10:44:24.091 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:24.292 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:24.492 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:24.692 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:24.893 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:25.093 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:25.293 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)

      Just wondering what's going on here ..

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      Tickets: #216

  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2016-07-22
    • status: open --> pending
  • yPhil

    yPhil - 2016-07-24

    Hihi, I remember trying that too :)

    • Rob van den Berg

      Well actually you're Why Phil videos inspired me to dive in Qtractor!
      I had some trouble getting Qmidiarp LFO to work but I worked it out.
      Would be cool if you can make a real video of it. I was just derping

      Op 24 jul. 2016 14:56 schreef "Yassin Philip"

      Hihi, I remember trying that too :)

      Status: pending
      Milestone: git_head
      Labels: automation bus
      Created: Fri Jul 22, 2016 08:50 AM UTC by Rob van den Berg
      Last Updated: Fri Jul 22, 2016 09:21 AM UTC
      Owner: nobody

      I somewhat succeeded in making a fake bus automation. I had to 'abuse' the
      midi-through bus.

      What I did:

      • Create midi bus called Automation * Create midi track with midi out to
        Automation bus.

      • Draw some volume automation on that track, set it to active. * Here's
        the weird part
        : Connect midi Automation -> midi-through and
        midi-through -> Control

      • In the mixer right click on Master audio fader, assign cc#7 * move the
        fader of the midi track. I noticed that cc#7 127 is way over 0 db .. duh ..
        didn't think of that beforehand ..

      When playing the project the audio master fader moves with the midi volume

      Now if I * skip the midi-through bus* and connect Automation out to
      Control in a continuous stream is created from the Automation bus

      10:44:24.091 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:24.292 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:24.492 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:24.692 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:24.893 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:25.093 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)10:44:25.293 MIDI CTL: Controller, Channel 1, Param 10, Value 64 (track 0, panning 0)

      Just wondering what's going on here ..

      Sent from because you indicated interest in

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      Tickets: #216

  • Rui Nuno Capela

    Rui Nuno Capela - 2016-12-09
    • status: pending --> closed

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