
New QDKs for FreeRTOS

The QP Development Kits (QDKs) for the FreeRTOS real-time kernel have been just released. The QP-FreeRTOS integration has been designed to use the FreeRTOS hardware abstraction layer, but this port does not eliminate all dependencies on the CPU architecture. Specifically, this port has been designed for the ARM Cortex-M cores (ARM Cortex-M0/M3/M4F) and might need some changes to
work with other CPU architectures. The source code of the QP-FreeRTOS ports (for QP/C and QP/C++) should compile cleanly with all compilers for ARM Cortex-M, not just with IAR EWAR used here.

Please refer to the detailed documentation of the QP-FreeRTOS Port (QDK_FreeRTOS.pdf) located in the doc\ sub-directory of the ZIP files.

Posted by Quantum Leaps 2014-09-29 Labels: FreeRTOS QDK-C QDK-Cpp

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