
New QP Development Kit for Android-NDK

The new QDK for Android-NDK has just been released. The QDK is available as external download to the QP/C Baseline Code (see Also, the Android-NDK port and examples have been released to the QP/C Git repository on SourceForge (

The integration of QP/C with Android at the native code level (running outside the Android's Delvik Virtual Machine) is interesting for applications requiring efficiency and real-time, or near real-time performance, such as games.

QP is an ideal platform for building highly modular, well structured, multithreaded Android applications based on the concept of active objects (a.k.a. Actors) and hierarchical state machines. Additinally, the free graphical QM modeling tool can be used to generate large parts of the code automatically.

QP complements Android-NDK by providing the high-level structure, while OpenGL API renders the GUI. Also, the QP port to Android-NDK enables developers to build efficient, multithreaded Android applications at a much higher level than POSIX threads (Pthreads) and without fiddling directly with the troublesome low-level mechanisms such as POSIX mutexes, condition variables, and so on.

Posted by Quantum Leaps 2012-12-19

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