Quantum Leaps - 2024-07-29

Thank you for reporting!

This is not a bug, but rather a misunderstanding of QM documentation for specifying namespaces for packages. . A namespace is specified as the whole prefix, such as NAMESPACE::. I have attched a small QM model (almost identical to yours), but with properly specified namespace (see namespace_test.qm).

Undarstandably, you might be taking the narrow C++ point of view, but QM supports also C and perhaps other languages in the future (e.g., Python or Rust). In those other languages, namespaces are represented differently than in C++ (e.g., modules in Rust). QM way of specifying namespaces provides more flexibitly and control to the developer (e.g., consider "namespaces" in C).

Anyway, QM supports also nested namespaces. For a more advanced example, please refer to the QM model of the QP/C++ framework itself (which uses nested namespaces such s QP::QF:: or QP::QS::). The qpcpp.qm model file is located in the root of the QP/C++ distro.

With this comment I'm closing this bug report.



Last edit: Quantum Leaps 2024-07-29