
#20 qmidiarp LV2 plugin not working well in qtractor


I'm using qmidiarp as a LV2 plugin in Qtractor and it all works fine when composing and arranging, but when I try to export the song to a wave file with Track/Export Tracks/Audio I can hear the other tracks, but nothing from the tracks using qmidiarp. qmidiarp is built from git trunk about one week ago (using --enable-qt5) and qtractor is version 0.8.1 from kxstudio on Ubuntu 17.04. According to RNC/Qtractor the plugin doesn't seem to play well on export rendering (jack freewheel mode, faster than real-time):

1 Attachments


  • Frank

    Frank - 2017-04-25

    Hi there, thanks for your report. I will look into it and probably be in contact with Rui. Hold on for some days though


  • Frank

    Frank - 2017-04-25
    • status: unread --> accepted
    • assigned_to: Frank
  • Wayne Elliott

    Wayne Elliott - 2017-09-24

    Just curious if there's any progress on this.

    Absolutely love QMidiArp- I really like "programming" the arpeggiator- simple but versatile.

  • Wayne Elliott

    Wayne Elliott - 2017-10-25

    Quick follow up, Rui has done some troubleshooting on this, check out the thread here-

  • Frank

    Frank - 2017-10-28

    Thanks Wayne,
    I posted something there. The info about everything going mostly right when host transport is not active is interesting.
    Sorry for the utter slowness here at the moment....


    • Wayne Elliott

      Wayne Elliott - 2017-10-28

      Fantastic just to see you get some time to have look at this- I'm really greatful.

      I've been working with QMidiArp pretty extensively for at least 4 years now, glad to know there's someone keeping an eye on it.

      I recently did a blog post (the start of a series I'm planning in order to share my workflow) with a bunch of my arpeggiator patterns for QMA-

      These are just the tip of the iceburg- been in deep exploration mode, so they're kind of all over the place- shows the potential though.

  • Frank

    Frank - 2017-11-01

    Hi Wayne,
    Rui has just committed a change to qtractor so that transport start information is sent to plugins also during track export. Could you try this out see if it works for you?
    I would also be interested in qmidiarp lv2 crashes that seem to be reported at rncbc forum. If you can point me to something systematic don't hesitate to open a new bug.
    Nice experiments you did with patterns, thanks for sharing!

    • Wayne Elliott

      Wayne Elliott - 2017-11-01

      Thanks Frank- I just responded over there- definitely some progress- yay! I do my happy dance! :-D

      I haven't actually had any crashes yet. Will report when I do though.

  • Frank

    Frank - 2017-11-02
    • status: accepted --> fixed-elsewhere
  • Frank

    Frank - 2017-11-02

    I'll close this one, please refer to the "missed first note" bug for the remaining issues

  • Frank

    Frank - 2017-11-03
    • Group: 0.6.4 --> 0.6.5

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