
#19 Can’t close module display



I don’t know if this a bug or just me: I can’t seem to close the displayed modules in the session attached. When I open the session the 5 of them appear side by side. I can then rearrange them in the main window or detach them from it but no way to close their display to see just one or two modules at a time. It started being like this all of a sudden. Before, I’d have 2 modules displayed side by side, and the others available by clicking on their names in the Global Store section.

Maybe I don’t click how/where I should? I didn’t find anything specific about it in the docs.

This is Qmidiarp 0.6.4 built from git or Arch (Xfce desktop if that matters).


3 Attachments


  • Frank

    Frank - 2016-08-24
    • status: unread --> pending
    • assigned_to: Frank
    • Attachments has changed:


    --- old
    +++ new
    @@ -1 +1,3 @@
    +AutoManea-tabbed.qmax (32.2 kB; application/octet-stream)
    +AutoManea-tabbedby2.qmax (32.3 kB; application/octet-stream)
     AutoManea.qmax (32.2 kB; application/octet-stream)
  • Frank

    Frank - 2016-08-24

    Hi Victor,
    You are partly right. You cannot close module windows unless you delete them. In order to arrange them differently you can put them one on top of another if the size of the main window is big enough. Then they get organized as tabs. In the attached file I've done this with your example. You can of course also make them two stacks of tab containers side by side, just widen the main window (from the first file I attached) so that they fit side by side and stack them differently. The second file I attached contains the result of this. What is (unfortunately) impossible is to arrange them within such a tabbed stack such as to change order.
    A note: the size required for modules of different type is not the same, so you may have to widen the main window more than you think.
    A hint: to minimize the overall size again once your setup is finished click twice on the red arrow menu icon meant to hide the InOut Boxes.

    Hope I got your question right

  • Victor

    Victor - 2016-08-25

    Thanks a lot Frank! Got it now. Somehow I missed the fact that modules could be stacked onto one another. My attempts merely moved them around. Knowing what to look for, I now got the right "gesture" ("tour de main" we say in French).

    Blue skies,

  • Frank

    Frank - 2016-10-01
    • status: pending --> worksforme

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