
Miscellaneous Bugs on First Uses

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  • Brian C Davis

    Brian C Davis - 2014-09-01

    First, thanks for creating this software, it is very helpful.

    I am running Windows 7 and the QBlade_win_v0.8 executable (I did not compile it myself)

    1. If the user skips a polar in a batch analysis, it still shows up as an option on the pulldown menu in the 360 screen. Then, if you try to make the 360 polar from the empty data set, Qblade crashes. This seems to cause a large amount of problems afterwards. I'm not sure if the other issues I'm having are caused by this or by other issues, or if they are from an empty polar (just from skipping the polar in batch analysis) or the failed 360 polar.

    2. I am having issues with Qblade crashing while saving (or saving as) project files. This doesn't happen every time. If you like, I can email you a copy of the files that won't save without crashing mid-save, and the files after Qblade has crashed mid-save (these are much smaller because it hasn't finished saving the whole file). It is definitely something with my project files, because I can save your example files and files when I start over from scratch. It may have something to do with the crash from #1 since all of my project files that won't save have 360 data.

    3. After going back and forth between re-optimizing blades and analyzing rotors, the optimize chord length function was no longer working properly, although it did at first. I can send a screenshot to show this.

    4. Sometimes when editing a blade, the coordinates and other information shows up in the edit screen but not the non-editing display screen. Sometimes this error is self correcting and after adding a few more blades the blade data shows up.

    As a recommendation, it would be very helpful if the Turbine BEM Simulation module allowed the option for setting up the Turbine Definition by a constant TSR instead of a constant RPM.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions. I hope this was helpful, I realize some of these are not easily re-creatable.

  • David

    David - 2014-09-03

    Hi Brian,

    thanks a lot for this bug report. It would be very helpful if you could send me the project files where the crashes appear. I somehow cannot reproduce the first bug that you mentioned. When a Polar is empty there should not be the option to perform a 360 extrapolation. I think the array size of the polar is checked and if its empty or smaller than a fixed number the NEW button in the extrapolation module is disabled.

    To look deeper into the problems that you experience I need to run QBlade with the project files in debug mode.

    One note: It already is possible to run a turbine at a constant TSR. When you define a turbine you have to select "Transmission: Optimal", you can then specify a minimum and maximum rpm and a TSR at the turbine design point. Within the min and max range the turbine will then adjust its rpm to run at the specified TSR at all windspeeds.



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-10-18


    First of all thanks for creating such as awesome software, it is very helpful for blade designing.

    I am getting some errors while performing QFEM (Structural blade design and analysis) for the blade and the Qblade software exits automatically. I couldn't fix the issue. I have attached the screenshot of the error.

    Could you please help me in resolving the issue.

    Thanks and Regards,
    Dinesh Kumar

  • David

    David - 2014-11-07

    Hi Dinesh,

    I experienced the same problem on my Windows 8 machine. I found he problem now: we stored Eigen::MatrixXd objects inside std::vector containers which led to assertion failures. I fixed this in my working copy and it will be fixed with the new release, until then use a Windows version below 8.



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-11-21

    hi, i experienced the same problem.
    when is it going to be released the new version for windows 8?

  • David

    David - 2014-11-24

    Hi Alberto,

    the new version will be released around the end of this or the beginning of next year.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-12-18

    I am running Windows 8.1 and the QBlade_win_v0.8 executable
    Concerning issue #2, crash when trying to save.
    Attached error message.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2014-12-29

    So, it will always crash in win 8, for this version? I'll take a break then. Thank you. :D


  • David

    David - 2015-01-05

    Yes it always crashes when trying to save a blade structure using Win8, previous Win versions work though. I have already fixed this issue for the new release...



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-04

    I'm running Windows 7 Professional and Q-Blade has an error and stops responding right when I launch it. It's weird because I ran the same version of Q-Blade successfully last year on this laptop, but now it doesn't want to run at all. I have attached a screenshot of it not responding and the error message I get when I try to debug it. Is there a date you can give for the new version being released?

    • David

      David - 2015-02-05


      from the screenshots that you attached I can only guess what the problem might be. As it was working before the problem might be that your laptop does not have sufficient free RAM? v0.8 uses quite a lot of RAM due to preallocation of large arrays (about 500mb). I fixed this with the new version. Im currently wokring on it and hope to release it around the end of this months.


  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-05

    I was trying to set up a FAST Simulation in Q-Blade and when I hit start simulation Q-Blade instantly crashed. I copied the error message, here it is:

    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: QBlade.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 536cf44e
    Fault Module Name: QBlade.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 536cf44e
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 003e59fc
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: c050
    Additional Information 2: c05069bb826828ca71ba4d3d13a49d29
    Additional Information 3: 5c7a
    Additional Information 4: 5c7ac58e735bf5789932848e9490c873

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    • David

      David - 2015-02-05


      the error message unfortunately does not really help to find out what the problem is. Could you send me your project file (attach it here)?



      • Shane R Smith

        Shane R Smith - 2015-02-20

        It will not let me attach the project file here, perhaps it is too large? (188,258 KB)

        • David

          David - 2015-02-28

          You could upload it to dropbox or another cloud service and send me the link. Then I will have a look!

          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2015-03-04

            Okay, here's a link to it on my google drive.


            Thanks for your help, I appreciate it.

          • Anonymous

            Anonymous - 2015-03-04
          • Shane R Smith

            Shane R Smith - 2015-03-04
            • David

              David - 2015-03-16

              I will have a look when I find the time, unfortunately now Im really busy with the next release... David

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-02-27

    I am running the Qblade v0.8 and i have a big problem when i am trying to save a file, especially the ones that have more than one Fast simulation. Qblade crashes and the simulation cannot be saved. Have you ever encountered such a problem in the past, with saving files? Is it a problem with the size of the file and what is the limit that i can not pass,to be able to save my work?

    • David

      David - 2015-02-28


      I am aware of an issue in the current release that can cause currupted project files. This happens when a 360° Polar is created but then cancelled instead of saved. This leads to a NULL pointer in the parent-child object relation and corrupts the project. For the new release we have this fixed. I am not aware of any other issues at the moment, but could this be the reason for your crash? File size shouldnt matter, also not the number of FAST simulations.



  • Shane R Smith

    Shane R Smith - 2015-03-04


    I found another possible bug. I had Q-Blade working on this laptop, then I installed Open Broadcaster Software (to record tutorials) and Q-Blade crashed immediately on opening. I think that the problem may have been that Open Broadcaster installed DirectX files, but I'm not sure. The issue persisted after un-installing the Open Broadcaster software, so it must have been some system file change that the program made that didn't work with Q-Blade.

  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-03-14

    I am having problems when saving or saving as projects, as Brian reported. QBlade crashes and wont let me open again the file. I tried saving several versions of the project, but when it crashes at some point, and I open a previous saved version It crashes again when trying to save it.

    Hope someone could help me or give some advice on what to do about his issue.



    • David

      David - 2015-03-16

      Hi Pablo,
      there is an issue that can cause corrupted project files with v0.8. I have fixed this for the new release but unfortunately if a project file is corrupted I cannot do anything about it. The corruption happens when you are creating 360 Polar or blade loading objects and then cancel them during the creation process instead of saving.
      Until the new release is out you should always save some backups of your projects, sorry.



  • Anonymous

    Anonymous - 2015-03-26

    I am running the Qblade v0.8 and i am also facing difficulties when i am trying to save the blade design. It seems that the "save" and "optimize" button is blocked in the blade design part. I am attaching herewith the screenshot.

    I hope someone give me the solution.

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