
PyUSB / News: Recent posts

[Released] PyUSB 1.0.0 beta 1

Dear all,

I am proud to announce that PyUSB 1.0.0 beta is out.

What's new in PyUSB 1.0.0 (beta 1)?

  • Isochronous transfer for libusb 1.0 (by David Halter).
  • Experimental OpenUSB support.
  • Documentation update.
  • PYUSB_DEBUG_LEVEL environment variable is now called PYUSB_DEBUG.
  • Legacy module nwo groups according to their bus.
  • Version information available for apps (by Chris Clark).
  • Faster read operation (by themperek).
  • Tox support (by ponty).
  • Support for port number info (by Stefano Di Martino).
  • Several bug fixes (please, check the Changelog file).... read more
Posted by Wander Lairson 2013-10-16

[Released] PyUSB 1.0.0 alpha 3

Dear all,

New PyUSB alpha release is out.

What's new in PyUSB 1.0.0 (alpha 3)?

**WARNING**: this release renames the libusb 1.0 and libusb 0.1 backends. If
your code makes direct access to this backends, you will have to change it.

- Fixed several legacy module bugs (by Tormod Volden).
- Fixed libusb0 backend for BSDs and Mac OSX.
- Fixed data loss when less the requested number of bytes were read (by
Braiden Kindt).
- Documentation fixes.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2012-09-09

[Released] PyUSB 1.0.0 alpha 2

Dear all,

PyUSB 1.0.0 alpha2 is out.

PyUSB aims to provide easy USB access to the Python language using the major
USB libraries as its backend.

Main changes

- Test firmware now lives in its own respository (
- ``USBError`` now has the property ``backend_error_code`` that tells the
backend specific error.
- ``errno`` value in ``USBError`` is translated according to the backend error.
- Now ``Device`` class has the ``bus`` and ``address`` attributes to
differentiate identical devices.
- Optimization when log is disabled (by Emmanuel Blot).
- Several other minor fixes and improvaments (check ChangeLog file).... read more

Posted by Wander Lairson 2011-11-12

PyUSB alpha 1 released

This release implements more PyUSB 1.0 features towards beta stage. The new
features implemented include:

- Standard control requests through usb.control module.
- Request current configuration from device when you do not call
- get_string function in the usb.util module to get string descriptors.
- Full 0.4 API emulation.
- Device is not reset anymore in test cases to avoid problems in systems
where it does not work.... read more

Posted by Wander Lairson 2010-12-29

PyUSB 1.0 alpha 0 released

What's new in PyUSB 1.0.0 (alpha 0)?

This is the first PyUSB 1.0 series public release. This is an alpha release, which
means that most of the features described in the README file and on the website are
not yet stable or even implemented.

Features not implemented

- Full support for legacy 0.4 legacy code (although partial support is provided).
- OpenUSB backend.
- libusb 1.0 windows backend stability (although it is reasonable usable).
- Support for several standard control requests (including GET_STRING).
- Python < 2.6 and Python 3 not yet fully tested.... read more

Posted by Wander Lairson 2010-04-16

PyUSB 0.4.3 released

Hi there all,

PyUSB 0.4.3 is out. This is a bug fix release only. This release fixes two minor bugs:

- Sometimes the API raises a "No Error" exception. Thanks to Nicholas Wheeler to point it out.
- getString does not return a Python string when lang != 1. Patch by Tormod Volden, thanks.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2010-04-13

PyUSB 0.4.2 is out

After a long winter a new version of PyUSB was released. This release fixes some issues related to libusb, python >= 2.5 version and 64 bit machines.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2009-06-12

PyUSB license change

Some people have been claiming for use PyUSB in non-open source comercial projects, but because PyUSB was licensed under GPL, they couldn't. Well, this release changes the license of PyUSB from GPL to BSD. Now you can use PyUSB with non-open source code. But I'd like to ask these PyUSB users to submit to the project any improvements/bug fixes you do.

have fun.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2007-09-28

PyUSB 0.4.0 released

Hi, this new release add some improvements requested by the PyUSB users. Please, look the Changelog for details. The majors updates include release of the Global Interpreter Lock (be careful if your code
is multithreaded) and support for usb_detach_kernel
function (Linux only). Thanks to Simeon Miteff, Mark Lee and Lucio Torre for their patches.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2007-05-22

Win32 Binary package

Because some users are having problems trying compile and use PyUSB on the Windows, I put a binary version of PyUSB in the download are. It was compiled with Visual C++ 8.0. Have fun!

Posted by Wander Lairson 2006-09-14

PyUSB 0.3.4 Released

PyUSB provides USB access to Python language. This new version fixes several minor bugs. Many thanks to all people for the help!

Posted by Wander Lairson 2006-08-29

PyUSB 0.3.3 version is available

PyUSB is a Python extension module that provides USB access. This new version fixes some bugs and memory leaks and add minor improvements. See the change log for details.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2006-03-25

0.3.2 version released!

Hi, this new version fixes many resource leaks. Many, many thanks to Andrew Rogers for his help.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2006-02-22

PyUSB 0.3.1

This release fixes a problem compiling on darwin using Fink.
Many thanks to James Barabas!

Posted by Wander Lairson 2005-11-06

PyUSB 0.3 Released!

PyUSB 0.3 was released. Now, it has support to string descriptors and specific device descriptors.
I'm not plan more releases this year, except patch releases.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2005-10-27

PyUSB 0.2.1

PyUSB 0.2.1 was released. This patch fixes some bugs to work fine on Windows.

Posted by Wander Lairson 2005-10-10

PyUSB 0.2 Released!

Was released the 0.2 version of the PyUSB. The changes include:
- Functions to perform bulk, interrupt and control transfers.
- Compile support on Windows
- Fix to compile successfully on Mac OSX (Damian Staniforth's contribution)
- A better documentation
- A class to talk with USB Printers...

Now, PyUSB is a little bit more usefull related to ealier 0.1 version...

Have fun ;-)

Posted by Wander Lairson 2005-09-27

PyUSB on Windows

Because some people has reported problems compiling PyUSB on Windows, I revised the source code to compile successfully on Windows with cygwin and I created a Visual C++ .NET 2003 project to compile it too, you can access this files from cvs repository in, the README file has short instructions to compile in cygwin e Visual C++. In 0.2 release, will be available this features.
If you have any question, please, email me: wander (dot) lairson (at) gmail (dot) com.... read more

Posted by Wander Lairson 2005-09-19

PyUSB 0.1 Released!

PyUSB 0.1 was released. This first version only enumerates USB devices on the system. I'm tested it on the Linux meanwhile. To compile and use it, you need the libusb, available at

Posted by Wander Lairson 2005-08-03