
RHS as an interpolated function

  • James

    James - 2017-02-14

    Have some output from a CFD code and need to calculate u/s manifolds, fixed point locations etc. The model is finite difference so the best I can do is interpolate the data to give the right hand side. Would this be supported in PyDSTool? Thanks

    • Rob Clewley

      Rob Clewley - 2017-02-15

      Absolutely, although the accuracy of manifold calcs will naturally
      depend on the mesh size of your interpolated data. Any "external
      input" variable that you use in the RHS is interpolated. e.g. see
      pydstool/tests/generator/ or
      pydstool/examples/, which use the
      InterpolateTable generator structure. There's a tutorial for the
      saddle manifold calcs too.

      On Tue, Feb 14, 2017 at 3:22 PM, James wrote:

      Have some output from a CFD code and need to calculate u/s manifolds, fixed
      point locations etc. The model is finite difference so the best I can do is
      interpolate the data to give the right hand side. Would this be supported in
      PyDSTool? Thanks

      RHS as an interpolated function

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  • James

    James - 2017-02-16

    Spatial interpolation as well as temporal are covered?

    • Rob Clewley

      Rob Clewley - 2017-02-26

      I see, I wasn't thinking about that. The system I described is set up
      for temporal, as you suggest. Probably the easiest route is to add
      your own, custom interpolation functions for your data and embed them
      either in Python or in C, depending on what solver you're using (you
      won't be able to mix python functions in a C-based RHS, or vice
      versa). The examples directory shows you both in different contexts.
      For instance, read here:

      On Thu, Feb 16, 2017 at 11:04 AM, James wrote:

      Spatial interpolation as well as temporal are covered?

      RHS as an interpolated function

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