
Calculating Lyaponov expoennts

  • Henrik

    Henrik - 2014-05-14


    Have any methods been implemented in PyDSTool for computing the Lyaponov exponents when solving a set of ODEs?

    I have looked at the Tutorial_lorenzMap, but I don't understand if this can be used as a general approach for systems of ODEs.


  • Rob Clewley

    Rob Clewley - 2014-05-14

    No, they haven't. I am not certain how generalizable the approach in that tutorial is, but it should be good for many situations I can think of. Although, I'm not an expert in using that technique in practice, so you might want to do some research about it.

    I was contacted a long time ago by Dale Peterson ( about some python code he had put together to compute LCEs. It should be pretty simple to convert it to use PyDSTool's integrators and their Jacobian option too, then do the same Gram-Schmidt process afterwards. I'm attaching the bundle of working code he sent me at the time. I haven't tried it out recently.

    Maybe you'd like to ask Dale if he ever moved it further forward, otherwise maybe you could help?


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