
Python, Jython and IronPython in one project

  • David Lawler

    David Lawler - 2010-04-06

    I have a project that has Python/Jython and IronPython versions.  I have a common folder for code that works with any version python and then separate folders for the code that is version specific (cpython/jpython and ipython).  If I am working on the Python version and wish to work on the Jython version…I change the project properties to the Jython interpreter and then restart Eclipse.  Doing this means that pylint and the built in code analysis do not get too confused, but is a little time consuming.  My question:

    Is there a BETTER way!?  I tried Working Sets, but that does not allow me to set the Interpreter per each Working Set.



  • Chaim Krause

    Chaim Krause - 2010-04-28

    I'm not sure you need to restart Eclipse. You should be good to go right away.

    the dot files for the configuration are in the root of the project directory. so…
    you can use symlinks for the src directory. Thus…
    you can create three projects, each having the actual code in the src subdirectory, and have that src directory be a symlink to the actual code.

    I haven't tried that, but I suspect it would work just fine for what you want.