
Tree [cec4d9] master purplenet-0.7.2 /

HTTPS access

File Date Author Commit
 bin 2009-10-26 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [ce0a41] config template selection
 fixtures 2009-08-18 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [0016fe] refactoring, setup work
 libpurplenet 2009-10-26 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [285aaf] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://japsu,purplenet@...
 media 2009-09-23 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [2f32de] re-licensed, branded as PurpleNet
 purplenet 2009-10-27 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [7b7fea] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://japsu@...
 scripts 2009-09-23 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [2f32de] re-licensed, branded as PurpleNet
 templates 2009-10-27 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [7b7fea] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://japsu@...
 .gitignore 2009-09-28 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [305543] better file names for clients + assorted fixen
 .project 2009-10-26 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [285aaf] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://japsu,purplenet@...
 .pydevproject 2009-10-26 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [285aaf] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://japsu,purplenet@...
 AUTHORS 2009-10-05 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [ae2cf7] license stuff
 ChangeLog 2009-10-30 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [cec4d9] ChangeLog for 0.7.2
 LICENSE.GPLv2 2009-10-05 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [ae2cf7] license stuff
 LICENSE.GPLv3 2009-10-05 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [ae2cf7] license stuff
 README 2009-10-26 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [ce0a41] config template selection
 STYLE 2009-09-23 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [2f32de] re-licensed, branded as PurpleNet
 TODO 2009-10-26 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [285aaf] Merge branch 'master' of ssh://japsu,purplenet@... 2009-09-28 Santtu Pajukanta Santtu Pajukanta [305543] better file names for clients + assorted fixen

Read Me

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PurpleNet OpenVPN User Interface

Author: Santtu Pajukanta <>
        Department of Communications Engineering
        Tampere University of Technology


    PurpleNet - a Web User Interface for OpenVPN
    Copyright (C) 2009  Santtu Pajukanta
    Copyright (C) 2008, 2009  Tuure Vartiainen, Antti Niemelä, Vesa Salo

    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.


Purplenet is a web user interface for OpenVPN tunnelling servers aimed
to make it easier to control, manage, deploy OpenVPN based
connectivity services to the end users and devices. This kind of
connectivity services can be utilised for example for providing secure
VPN connectivity as well as in general providing better access and
connectivity to the network services offered by the service provider.

Current features include:

	* Management of the PKI
		* creating the CA hierarchy
		* granting certificates
		* revoking your own certificates
		* administrator access to revoking others' certificates
	* Config generation for client and server
		* Customizable through Django templates
	* Shibboleth integration
		* Login via Shibboleth
		* Mapping of Shibboleth properties (envvars) into groups

For missing and incomplete functionality, see the file TODO.


ORGANIZATIONS - Several organizations may be configured in the system, each of
which has access to one or more networks.

CLIENTS, ADMINISTRATORS AND SUPERUSERS - Three levels of access are available
in this release of PurpleNet:

	* Clients are normal users that may request certificates and revoke their
	  own existing certificates.
	* Administrators have management access to one or more organizations. They
	  can revoke certificates of users in their organizations and (in
	  standalone mode) manage their membership.
	* Superusers can change and configure just about anything in the system.

ORGANIZATIONAL MAPPING - The system can be configured to use Shibboleth as its
authentication backend. 


1. Put the purplenet and libpurplenet packages in your PYTHON_PATH.

2. Create a database in an RDBMS supported by Django (PostgreSQL recommended).

3. Copy purplenet/ to purplenet/ and edit it to
   match your installation.

4. Source "" and run "manage syncdb".

5. Configure the web server (see configuration examples below)

6. Prepare a directory that is writable by your web server. This directory will
   contain the Certificate Authorities of your installation.

7. Point your browser to http://path/to/purplenet/setup and fill in the
   setup form.

8. Log in as a superuser and create at least one organization, network and
9. Download the OpenVPN server configuration from your PurpleNet portal and
   use it to deploy the OpenVPN server.

Configuration example

This configuration example is for Apache 2.2, Django 1.0.2 and mod_python.
Paths will need to be adjusted for your installation.


    <Location /purplenet>
            SetHandler python-program
            PythonHandler django.core.handlers.modpython
            SetEnv DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE purplenet.settings
            PythonOption django.root /purplenet
            PythonDebug On
            PythonAutoReload On
            PythonPath "['/path/to/purplenet'] + sys.path"
            PythonInterpreter purplenet

    Alias "/public_demo/media/admin" "/usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/Django-1.0.2_final-py2.5.egg/django/contrib/admin/media"
    Alias "/public_demo/media" "/path/to/purplenet/media"

    <Location /purplenet/media>
            SetHandler None

Authors and acknowledgements

See the file AUTHORS for a full list of people that have contributed to

PurpleNet is licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2 or
later. See the files LICENSE.GPLv2 and LICENSE.GPLv3 for the full legal text
of the licenses.