
First: Thanks for a great component. :-)

I have been inspired by your ComponentsDemo where you invoke published methods from PHP. Nice!

I have (for test purposes) augmented your example with the button with a simple method, named EchoTwoParam that shows a message containing those two parameters:
procedure TMyButton.EchoTwoParam(AStringToEcho, AStringToEcho2: string);
  ShowMessage(AStringToEcho + ' - ' + AStringToEcho2);

Now comes the problem. If I invoke it from PHP-script using

<i>$btnClose->EchoTwoParam("A", "B");</i>

It will out put "B - A" i.e. the parameterorder is reversed. I've tried to change the procedure calling convention to cdecl, safecall and others but the problem stays.

Does anybody know what I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance
