
Emty tab Files on Project

  • Anton

    Anton - 2017-05-16

    I am trying to prepare the PO for using in one bigger project, especially to manage project documentation. It is installed on our server, I created the project, team and taks, but when I try to prepare the folder structure, in tab Files, there is nothing, but empty tab.
    I searched the documentation, but there is only user guide for filestorage from 2005 (v 3.0). I have version 4.0.5. and usin Windows 8.

    Has anybody any idea how to prepare the PO for documents storage.

  • Klaus Hofeditz

    Klaus Hofeditz - 2017-05-17

    Sounds to me like a configuration issue. Can you please provide a screenshot that includes the URL?

    Also, if you are in an early stage with few configration steps done so far and no data imported yet, please consider starting out with Version 5 of ]po[. It's available as VM and WIN Installer in the download section. We handle any ]po[ 5.0 bug reports with priority.


  • Anton

    Anton - 2017-05-23

    Klaus, thank you for the answer.
    At the moment we have only intranet instalation and not yet opened to internet. URL will not be usefull to you.
    I tried to access File Storage through Collaboration -> File Storage and there is everything ok - I can see menu butons (create folder, upload,...) in FS. But in FS on the project, there is no buttons.
    We will set up version 5 and we will see if there will everything be ok.


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